
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Adelyss, Jun 1, 2008.


How would you Rate this Map?

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  1. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Download Link: Voalent


    Lots of Interlocking used

    Please Rate, Comment, and Download. Thanks

    Voalent is a very small fast paced map, if it supposed to be an old warehouse type place that stores unused ammunition left over from the covenant battle.

    You Start out in two small Start zones with at the objective spawn area also. One is Red Base and the other is Blue Base (these are maked by Overshield and Activecamo in the walls)

    When you spawn you can either go straight our the front to the middle (Overviews pictures down below). In the middle there are 2 small boxes, one is merged a little in the ground so you can jump up onto it. Also in the middle there spawns a Power Drain.

    From the middle you have four choses.

    One keep going straight untill you reach the entrance of the opposite base.
    Two go to the Activecamo which is up the bridge into a small room.
    Three go underneath the Top layer of Voalent, which brings you down a short hallway and leads you to two upside down stairs that lead you to the top layer of Voalent.
    Finally Four, you can jump up to the top layer of Voalent by jumping off of multiple objects to go through the one wall length gap that looks over the middle of Voalent.

    Back to the Spawn Area.

    The other chose is to go up the stairs that are in the Spawn area that lead you to a winedy hallway which brings you to the top layer of Voalent. (where mose of the battles take place.)

    FFA based objective games, objective item's all spawn underneath The top layer of Voalent.

    Weapons, Respawn Times, and Clips

    Weapon Respawn Time Clips

    4x Battle Riffle 20 Seconds 2
    1x Carbine 60 Seconds 2
    2x SMG 30 Seconds 1
    1x Rocket Launcher 120 Seconds 0
    1x Needler 45 Seconds 2
    2x Magnum 30 Seconds 2
    Regenerator 90 Seconds
    Power Drain 90 Seconds
    4x Frag Grenades 20 Seconds
    2x Plasma Grenades 20 Seconds

    Voalent plays best with 2-4 players, but if your ready for a intense battle try 6 players top.

    If this was all to confusing please have a look at the pictures, also it would be nice to see some feedfack on how it looks and what could be done to make it better thanks​


    Sorry for bad pictures, the map is very small and tight so it was hard to get pictures of the Bases and the Top layer.

    Voalent Overview


    Voalent Overview 2


    Voalent Top


    Voalent Start Spawn Blue (Red is same as blue but with a B Sign)


    Voalent Oddball


    Voalent Action


    Voalent Creator Adelyss
    #1 Adelyss, Jun 1, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2008
  2. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Again, a disappointment that no one has commented this yet. I hate seeing threads to the middle/bottom of the front page with no comments. This is not Bnet, and the selflessness is obvious. It pains me to see the occasional slip-up.

    That being said, this looks chaotically playable. A highly recommend changing your first picture. That picture makes the map look worse. The following pictures clarify, but you'll lose DL's from people who see the first picture and say, "crap."

    Truly, it does look fun and playable. There's nothing innovative or original, but you have a nice, solid layout. I prefer simple and playable to original and impractical. It looks quite possible to break this map, but I'd have to have a go at it in Customs to be certain. Nice map, bro! Is this your first?
  3. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Um, yeah, all the things that dented_drum said, lol. sry, too lazy to type all that. looks good. DL
  4. hiddenninja17

    hiddenninja17 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks like a lot of fun, as previously stated this map looks pretty solid, nothing original, but looks fun for a couple of games or more.
  5. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well this definately looks like one of the stronger maps coming from a junior member of the community. Much cleaner than many out there right now. You have used merging well, made very cleanly interlocked floors and areas, and all around have put togehter a good map. I can definately see that you spared no expense in making ever inch of this map the best it can be. This is a must download for me, I will get back to you after actually playing on this. Q'ued.
  6. darkmuse19

    darkmuse19 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    great use of interlocking and nice use of merging where its needed. it really makes your map look very clean. good job
  7. myonlydetriment

    myonlydetriment Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Agreed, especially considering the fact that most people love to see perfectly straight boxes and not anything at a different angle than 180 or 90. You should show more of the floating thing in the middle, I'm sure that'll get you more downloads; it's really an eye-catcher.

    I'll download; but if you want to get this a little more popular, then focus on the aesthetic parts of the map.
  8. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Hey thanks guys for all your feedback, but i see all these comments with dl, and q'ued but yet i still have no downloads.

    Sad Face =[

    @Drum no this is not my first map i have map lots of maps but many are not worthy of Forgehub and the time it takes to make a nice post. I do have a current v2 of my other map posted on Forgehub Ataraxy, ready to post but i still need to test it a little.

    And ill take out the first picture to Drum.
  9. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
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    I agree completely with Drum, but I also think you should either take out those two single boxes in the middle or merge them really far down. They just seem like they take up way too much space.

    CASHnDASH Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I liked this one... I usually don't like small maps, but this one is simple yet well thought out. Everything is merged nicely and the layout seems like it would work perfect for 1v1 or 2v2. The weapons and spawn placements seem balanced and well placed. The only thing i would try to tweak is the two back stairways. You get hung up on them because they are a little to close together. I would simply merge each one into the boxes a little. It's not a must, just something that might help the flow of that area if it becomes a problem. The boxes in the middle might be a little big for the center area, but it's not a huge problem. They just might take up a little to much space. Nevermind the "junior member" talk.... If this is one of your first map's it's very well done. I can't wait to see more out of you....7.5/10.
  11. R0CKET M00SE

    R0CKET M00SE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    a great layout im not a fan of the first two pics but you did a good job it looks very playable i will give it a dl and good job! <(^ ^)>
  12. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Hey thans guys again for the feedback, About the screenshots I was rushed into getting them took because my younger bro wanted to play so i quick took some and the fact that its a small map and hard to take decent pictures in small corner of the map. It makes for crummy pictures i was going to take the top of the map off so i could get better ones but i was rushed.

    Still hopping to see more feedback though.
  13. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
    Senior Member

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    in the first two pics, i had a look at the single boxes on the ground and it kinda looks like they were placed there for no reason. but im sure that you put them there for playability. its a nice looking map. good job 4/5
  14. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Hey thanks Jay, i put the single boxes for cover and to jump around on to get up to the top layer of the map.
  15. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
    Senior Member

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    Looks interesting and well built, I will have to download this. Big fan of maps that involve open spaces and confined spaces.
  16. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    this maps looks very apealing to me.. its proly the best ive seen all day.
  17. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Thanks Blaze, any ideas i could do to it, to make it better?
  18. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    I was actually pretty dissapointed in this map. It looked great from the screenshots, but actual gameplay told a different story. I do admit, the map looks good. I can tell you spent alot of time making everything look straight neat and nice. But, I don't think you planned out the weapons layout very well. After playing a few 1v1's and 2v2's, it felt very unbalanced to me. I mean, the rockets are propped up against the wall with a regenerator sitting right next to it. Then, all it took me was a quick hop over to the camo, allowing me to dominate the map. You should have had the camo in a more enclosed space farther away from the rockets. Another thing is the durability of the map. For most of the areas, it was blocked off. But in the main "courtyard", you can easily nade jump out of thhe map. You should just put higher walls all the way around the courtyard. One last thing, the spawns. I found myself frequently spawning behind people or them behind me, and that led to poor gameplay. Overall, this map shows you can forge well, but you need to learn more about weapon placment and balance. I remember I used to have the same problem. Oh, and about the spawns again, due to the map's size that type of issue just happens on FFA for smaller maps, kind of inevitable.
  19. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Well with the size of the map it didnt give me much options on the weapon layout i could remove the regen then that would solve the regen rocket problem but the fact that the rocket only has 2 shots you cant dominate it for long.

    About the nade jump i know you could nade jump out but i tryed blocking it on with higher walls but it looked horrible when i did that so i left it as it was to make it look good.

    Camo problem, cant be fixed without adding a whole new part to the map or moving it to one base which would give unfair advantage.

    Spawns I tryed the best i could to get them to spawn in different places but like you said small maps you have a hard time fixing them. I could try placing respawn areas with different spawn numbers so you spawn around the map more.
    But when i played and tested i just found myself spawning in the base constantly and ocastionaly behind someone so i didnt bother.

    Thank you Brute for your full feedback about the map. ill try changing a few things on it to fix some of the things you mentioned.

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