This is the finished piece of Vivian's request I hope you guys all like it, and best off I hope Vivian likes it too, I am willing to make new versions, so let me know, but I only have 25 minutes until I g2g, here it is: V1 V2(Less yellow coverage) Hope y'all likey.
Okay I'm gonna CnC it a little just for fun... I don't like yellow!!!!!! For me the yellow ruins it and I think without it it would be a great sig. It looks a lot like your other sigs but w/e its ur style and it looks good. Pretty good but please delete the yellow. Spoiler YELLOW BOTHERS ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spoiler Yes first post!!!!
I think you need to sharpen the render. Right now, it looks very low quality. I like the grunge-ness though.
Dude, get rid of the messy stuff over her. You can barely see anything. If you erase that, it brings more attraction to the focal.
Yellow burning retinas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay I see no change but w/e its still good and just yellowy which is bad but disregarding the yellow... I have no clue... It's too early (10:39am). I need sleep.