Virus on Industry

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Elliot, Jan 2, 2011.

  1. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Welcome to Industry, My first map for my "Virus" gametype. Industry is a liniar Infection map where survivors must progress through to gain ammo, weapons and cover. This map features timed map events to enhance gameplay and a fool proof anti-camping system at the spawn. Industry also has a tactical spawning system for the infected so they can decide which area of the map they can approach the survivors.

    So, this is the spawn, grab your weapons and head out straight away before the killballs spawn.

    You will then make your way down this long tunnel...

    ...and end up here, I wouldn't go first, the zombie will be lurking around this corner.

    You will then find yourself in a large industial room with the only way out blocked by large UNSC crates.
    These crates will take around 20 seconds to break past so have the majority of the survivors look out for one player as they punch their way through.

    The survivors can get to you from these locations...
    Above the tunnel
    The left side of the room
    and above the blocked exit

    Right, once you have broken past the crates you will end up in this small room...
    The stairs are yet to spawn so hold out in here for a while. there is some grenades and pistol ammo on the table.
    The infected can get to you from these locations...
    a small ventilation shaft
    the next room
    and the previous room

    Once the stairs have spawned you can reach the next room, but you can't reach the main ventilation shaft. You must hang on in this room until some crates spawn allowing you to reach the shaft. This room contains an overturned turret and a spartan laser.

    The ventilation shaft...

    Ok, when you have passed through the ventilation shaft you will be plopped out here...
    ...the courtyard in the loadout camera.
    But it looks like there is no way out! Grab some weapons and survive as long as you can. I doubt there is many of you left.
    Sniper, Warthog, Shotgun
    Health pack, DMR, Assault Rifle ammo, Pistol.
    The infected can get to you from...
    Over the wall, (custom powerup gives you double health, does not respawn)
    From the rocks above and the ventilation shaft.


    YouTube - A True Last Man Standing

    Virus Gametype

    Round time - 7 Minutes
    Rounds - 5
    1 zombie
    Zombie Victory - 2 points
    Survivor Victory - 5 points
    Kill - 1 point
    Betrayal - -2 points
    suicide - -2 points
    Zombie Kill - 1 point
    Last man standing - 1 point
    Suicide = Zombie - Yes


    Health - 100%
    Shields - 100%
    Damage - 110%
    Shield Recharge - No Recharge
    Primary Weapon - Assault Rifle (Plasma Repeater, Plasma Rifle, Assault Rifle and Spiker for Elite)
    Secondary Weapon - None
    Grenades - None
    Speed 100%
    Jump height - 90%
    Vehicle use - Driver
    Motion tracker - None
    Visible Name - No name


    Health - 100%
    Shields - No Shield
    Shield Recharge - Normal
    Primary Weapon - Energy Sword
    Secondary Weapon - None
    Grenades - None
    Speed - 110%
    Jump height - 125%
    Vehicle use - None
    Motion tracker - 25 Meters, Normal
    Visible name - no name

    Custom Powerup traits:
    60 Seconds
    Health - 150%
    Forced colour - White
    Speed - 120%

    Last Man Standing triats:

    Speed - 110%

    Stick together, watch each others Backs and work as a team.
    Hug the walls, lurk your prey and take the stragglers.
    Good Luck.


    Version 1.2 coming soon...
    Fixed the spawn camp killer,
    Changed the UNSC crate to a Covenant crate,
    Fixed the stairs,
    Minor changes to the aesthetics in the first room,
    Removed the reciever node above the blocked exit,
    Decresed the spawn time for the stairs and crates (and the teleporters to account for this),
    Changed the rocks in the courtyard to stop people climbing up them.
    Download v1.2

    Halo 3 version:
    Map - Industry
    Gametype - Virus
    #1 Elliot, Jan 2, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2011
  2. PureNukage

    PureNukage Forerunner

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    I was working on the same type of map, but oh well.

    From the video I liked how tense it seemed. Zombies could come from anyplace. That's one problem with a lot of infection maps, people know where the zombies spawn and are ready for them to come. Your map seems to have dealt away with that. DL'ing now.

    EDIT: One pointer though. Your map seems to be a bit too long. In the video, you guys didn't get very far. Maybe it was just the match though.
    #2 PureNukage, Jan 2, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2011
  3. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks, I was playing with a bunch of French people that hadn't played Industry before so i couldn't communicate with them at all, haha. I have played it with my friends and a couple of us got to the end. Yeh, I was trying to make an infection map that was scary, you expect to get infected every time you turn your back!
  4. anime halo

    anime halo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I always liked these kind of maps...I even made my own....but anyways I find the aesthetics for the most part to be very good...and I was wondering about the fx....cause I noticed you have it in some of your last pictures of your map but not all of your pictures...does the fx spawn in the map or did you just take it out for the screenshots?
  5. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    I was playing this the other day with a couple people and some of the humans were able to get under one of the staircases that doesn't spawn right away. I'm not sure if it's possible to do anywhere else, but it was quite annoying.
  6. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The FX spawn throughout the game to make it
    seem to go through day and into night.

    The stairs are a problem, I couldn't think of a way to fix it. But once
    the players know of it and they arnt arseholes it should by fine

    Edited by merge:

    v1.2 is up! Thanks for your constructive and helpful comments
    #6 Elliot, Jan 16, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2011

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