Hey, people, I'm making a map with a set path (similar to "Helps on the way, right?"). The set path feels like you are actually playing a different game (99% of games have some kind of path you should take). I'm going to be using the maximum amount of items to make a huge level. I need some help, though. Which one should I choose, VIP or Infection?: Infection (They need to move on, run out of ammo, or realize that they are to close to the zombie spawn) OR VIP (They are encouraged to escort the VIP to the marker or they will lose so they follow the path) Don't want to comment and/or read this thread? Please, at least vote for the gametype you prefer.
What makes infection ideal for these kind of games is the fact that if you're not working together then you end up with more people to fight. VIP's downfall is the fact that only one person must make it to the end with little to no consequence for the other players on the VIP's team dying as long as they are able to make it back to the VIP's side. At the same time there is no problem creating an Infection and a VIP variant of the same game; of course adjusting for certain simple differences, but if you're wanting to go with one gametype go with Infection. The simple premise of severely limiting starting ammo naturally encourages people to follow a path trying to find more. To keep the humans at the end of the path you could: 1.Create a weapons cache at the end that makes it difficult for the humans to want to backtrack or go out on their own, or 2.Make it so that after passing a certain point the humans can't retreat and must holdout at the end of the path. The idea though is to at some point make the humans wait out the rest of the round, but at the same time make it possible for the zombies to still coordinate a successful strike on the humans even at the end. Just my thoughts. Make of them what you want.
Gameplay > Feel The whole "Running out of ammo" thing never works well. VIP is a very underused gametype. Go with that, there are many more possibilities. This is something that used VIP and turned out great. If Conker used infection, it wouldn't be as fun and the gameplay wouldn't be as definitive.