I am trying to create a game where there is a VIP that spawns in a completely different place then everyone else from his team. The only thing is, I can't figure out how to do this. If anyone could tell me how to do this that would be great, or if anyone could tell me if it isn't possible then that would be just as helpful because I won't go and make a map for this gametype. EDIT: I think I may have just thought of a way to create it some how. Everyone starts out with 100% gravity while the VIP spawns with 200% gravity. When they spawn they land on a man cannon which shoots them into 2 teleporters that have a wall blocking them, now since VIP has highest gravity, he will fall short of the teleporter that everyone else goes to. The VIP goes into a teleporter that can go into 3 seperate rooms and he is unable to be killed by either teams. The people that went into the other teleporter spawn in a some sort of "swat truck" which has a grav lift, the key to getting to the VIP. The Other team has to keep them from getting to the VIP. The VIP has to wait for the team to come rescue him. The defending team gets about 30 seconds to get to the VIP. The swat team must find out which house the VIP is in(he wont have a waypoint) and get him out of there back to the swat truck to score a point. Any thoughts or questions?
As far as I know, it's not. I tried all kinds of stuff before and nothing worked...though if you work something out I'd be very interested to see how you run it.
It's not possible. The VIP team will all spawn in the same place. You can label the starting points, but that's just for different VIP teams. Your not the first to try to make it work. I am sorry I can't really help you.
I think I may have just thought of a way to create it some how. Everyone starts out with 100% gravity while the VIP spawns with 200% gravity. When they spawn they land on a man cannon which shoots them into 2 teleporters that have a wall blocking them, now since VIP has highest gravity, he will fall short of the teleporter that everyone else goes to. The VIP goes into a teleporter that can go into 3 seperate rooms and he is unable to be killed by either teams. The people that went into the other teleporter spawn in a some sort of "swat truck" which has a grav lift, the key to getting to the VIP. The Other team has to keep them from getting to the VIP. The VIP has to wait for the team to come rescue him. The defending team gets about 30 seconds to get to the VIP. The swat team must find out which house the VIP is in(he wont have a waypoint) and get him out of there back to the swat truck to score a point. Any thoughts or questions? I'm gonna copy/paste this to the main post.
Did you see my map preview? Your entier idea sounds 90% similar to mine. You even used the grav lift as the key. If it is just a coincidince than congratz b/c it iz a pretty good idea =). If not, i'd like a mention for at least something =[ Here is my poast from september '09: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-forge-discussion/87813-time-map-pack.html VIP Rescue- It's all there. My seperator, gameplay ideas and theorys, even the gravlift. Lastly, if you have physicly started construction could you please send me an FR cause we could compare maps/figure out how to make the game flow as well as possible.
I have never seen that in my life. Like the same settings and everything, that's pretty cool. There is a significant difference however. In mine, there will be a 2 story house with attic and basement. In each story there is going to be 3 rooms where the VIP will possibly be placed. Crawl spaces will be located in the house connecting from basement and attic. The swat team(team with the VIP) will have to find the room where the terrorist have the VIP. They use a grav lift to open up the VIP to let him out of his cage, and get him to the swat van which is where the rest of the VIP team goes. The Terrorist get 30 seconds to find the VIP and get set for the swat to approach the house. They must defend it for about 3 minutes or so, still kinda thinking about the time. I have already found a person to forge with already so sorry :/. I will test it multiple times. We could start a whole new gametype series that may become as legend as asset no but all jokes aside it could be pretty good.
Try doing what this guy did here: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/mini-game-maps/46751-operative.html It's the first map I've ever seen that separated the VIP from his team.
In order to do that you would have to force the VIP to go somewhere that only the VIP can get to whether it is that the VIP has less gravity and he can make a certain jump his teammates can't or something else. It is pretty much impossible as I know though to make the VIP spawn in a certain location at the start of the game.
Another way is that you can spawn the team in the place you want the VIP but make the VIP invincible or really strong on the spawn and drop fusion coils killing the team but not the VIP.
Instead of all the teleporters, you could make all of the VIP and his team spawn in one room. Almost immediatly, fusion coils would drop and kill everyone, except the VIP, that is, if you gave him just a bit more health. After ten seconds, stairs could spawn, leading to one teleporter to get him to where he needs to go. Edit: O ****, Dimmest, wtf?
I attempted a Rescue the Hostage style game on Standoff. All players spawned over the cliffs and the starting spawn was over the teleporter. Everyone dies in the first 3 seconds except for the player who spawned over the teleporter, who is then teleported inside the enemy base and becomes the new VIP (because the old VIP has just been killed, along with all other players). I never really got the gametype working though. Obviously the VIP would get a point for reaching a goto point and "freedom" but as soon as he's killed a new VIP is chosen. The VIP could have just walked off the cliff and died while all the other players stood over the goto point. New VIP is chosen, team instantly wins. kilamanjara's idea is much better though. It doesn't involve killing everyone to start the game.