Ok I've been working on a map pack with the VIP gametype but it doesnt seem to work because i dont know if you can make the VIP spawn exactly where you want him to spawn which i think is really stupid because this makes the map really worthless to do so. I mean if anyone knows how to make a specific spawn it would make my maps work out a lil better (once i remake them; i deleted them because the spawns messed up with the VIP) Anyone have any idea of how to fix this??
We've all worked on this, but I have yet to see a concrete answer. There are varying strategies, but none of them work every time. Blame Bungie, though, not us. =)
i believe theres a study being done or that has been done on this subject, look around the forums a bit... and no there isnt any special respawn areas...i think
well ok i mean this really sucks becuz with out my maps kind of fall out of play...but would a juggernaut work or is that randomly selected as well?? man i think BUngie should really work on making special SP for these type so that way it makes it easier to get things done Thanx for the help tho really appreciate you guys
Well it depends on what kind of game you are trying to do. I can't really help you wihtout more details on what is going on.