Greetings Forgehub, Well Im not new to forgehub, i use it to get most of my maps but i only recently made an account. I like to play alot of custom games, matchmaking needs some major improvement before i even try to get my 50. I have a highest skill of 12 in MLg, im relitively good at MLG but i mostly enjoy playing and testing Infection, as much as i know people hate it, Im in love with it. Unfortuantely most of my friends think COD is the ways to go i like it but it doesnt take skill at all, so im sticking with halo, when MW2 comes out ill play that for a while. If your up for any customs just shoot me a friend request, ViolentDownfall, and we can play. ~ViolentDownfall
Hey thar. How to win at Cod: See your enemy before they see you and then kill them in a millisecond. Play infection maps like manifest and help's on the way. Those are very good maps. You can search using the search tool on the top bar of the page. Instead of signing your posts with your name, you can create a sig and place your name there, even as a graphic. You can get an image made in a sig shop in the Graphic and Arts forum. Links and explanations of Forgehub is found in the lnk below. Ciao!