Well, this is my first map I've posted, so here we go: Vinculum Though most of their embellishments have fallen away, at the core these ancient bases remain the same- stolid bastions of combat. Vinculum is a map in the sky-bubble with two symmetrical bases (Red and Blue, what a surprise) that are directly across from each other, seperated by a pit that pushes anyone who can't jump it down into the killzone. On a third side, a purple 'Brute' base protrudes out, and on the fourth is a small platform with some cover. This map works best with Flag games and Slayer games. Thanks to Rafke21 and WalmartSukurity for some ideas and testing it out. Weapons: - 4 Assault Rifles - 5 Battle Rifles - 3 Shotguns (1 on Asymmetrical) - 2 Sniper Rifles - 2 Spikers - 2 Maulers - 1 Brute Shot - 2 Swords (Only on Asymmetrical) - 2 Sentinal Beams - 2 Missile Pods Pictures! The Red Base The bases will give you decent cover, and the farther back you go the more you get, but most of the goodies are out in the more open sections, so move out! Be careful though: each sides has an easily accesible sniper rifle that won't take too long to be in a position to snipe out the unwary. Closer up, shows where the battle rifle, sniper, missile pod, and warthog spawn. (Ghost on asymmetrical) Each sniper rifle has only four shots, so you'll want to make them count. Around the back of the base, where the shotgun (sword on asym.) spawns The Flag Island Though the Radio Antennae bridge can't really move, a well placed grenade from an opponent can push you off pretty easily due to its small width, and you have zero cover until you can get back onto the base. Seeing as that's the enemy base, you really won't get much help there either. My suggestion: bring a wingman or two if you want to move that flag more than a few inches. A Flag Bridge attack On the right side of the base, a Man Cannon launches you to the Shotty-Platform The aforementioned Shotty-Platform. This provides a little cover and a battle rifle, but watch for people launching up behind you The Shotty-Platform also provides a jumping point if you want to walk from one base to the other. Walk up the ramp, jump onto the Shotty-Platform, then jump onto the ramp for the other base and proceed. An aerial view that shows the pit in relation to the two bases and the Shotty-Platform The Blue Base is identical to its Red counterpart, except that some of the spike grenades have been traded for plasmas The final area, Purple Base Purple Base could be called the Brute base due to its weapons and Chopper. Though it's out of the way in CTF games, you may find it worth your while to take a little side trip, even if only for the bubble shield at the base of its pit-ramp. A closer view, showing the chopper, mauler, spiker and brute shot The vehicles themselves can be a bit of an annoyance at times; the warthogs are pretty good about getting over the pit and ghosts do it with ease, but aiming the chopper at another base can take a little... creativity. There also isn't much space to drive in, so often times you may just want to walk it. And lastly, a little action shot: A warthog battle for the pit ...It didn't end well for anyone... I've added a variant of this map as well, one with the vehicles replaced by cover or powerups. Here are some pictures of that one, called Vinculi: Red bases warthog has been replaced by a small piece of cover, and the missile pod has been exchanged for a Spartan Laser: Behind the cover are two SMG's. As before, blue base has an identical set of cover and guns. Lastly, the Purple Base's Chopper has been replaced with an overshield Interesting Tidbit: Vinculum means "anything that unifies or bonds two or more parties". When I made the map, I started with the pit, which sort of brings the two bases together. Vinculi is the plural, and seeing as the overshield is fair game for either base, I figured it was another thing to bring them together. Hope you like it! Download Vinculum OR Download the vehicle free version, Vinculi
interesting map. i dont really see the vehicles being that affective seeing the narrowness of the map, bt it might work out. for some reason, i like when you typed all of this up, you had your detail of the part of the map the same color as the base color if that does make since. but im not here to tell you in your thread. i think that the "island" pathway is a little to small, becasue yo dont want to have a clear shot and capturing it and not meaning to fall of, respawning the flag back. i think some of the wepons are a little to close and its a little to overpowing. those are the only downfalls i can see about the map and the game play. wat i do like is how the whole map is actaully layed out. i like the death pit idea, the design of the base. good job. also Wlecome to ForgeHub =]
This is a brilliant first map post, the weapon placement is supurb and the base use is great. normally on a small cometitive map (such as this) vehicles are an unneccesary annoyance, however this map works really well because of the addition of the pit which provides a great centre battle spot. the tactical aspect of the 'brute base' is also well thought out. From an asthetic point of view, you have given enough cover without cluttering up the map and making it difficult for the cars. I also like the lights. Final Word: a highly enjoyable and inventive first map which caters to all game types. 4.7/5
for a first post well done this map looks like it could be a lot of fun and it is CLEAN. I would personally get rid of the chopper because it looks like its more trouble than its worth mabey replace it with a active camo that way i can actually see people going over there alot and including it into the gameplay 4/5 again good job
really nice map, i like the idea of radio antennae bridges, but couldnt those be moved by force? And warthogs seem a little too much, the map seems more cramped and warthogs look hard to fit into the map.
grate map i love how you made the radio towers into bridges good idea. and the use of vehicles is kinda stupid yet i like the idea becaue i seperates the men from the boys when it comes to game play. i like how the map is good for just for fun game play and for all out war! this map has rare few down falls the only things i dont like about the map are, the needing use of gravlifts for what ever base that is.
First off, thanks for all the nice comments! But I think you guys are right about the vehicles. I've edited the first post to add a second version of the map where the vehicles have been replaced by additional cover in the case of the two main bases and an overshield at the Purple Brute base. I've added pictures and a download link for the changes as well.