Discussion in 'Map Discussion' started by no god anywhere, Jan 25, 2016.


    DEEP NNN Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The community seemed to like this map a lot. Kudos.
  2. WhySoCorny

    WhySoCorny Legendary

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    this is amazing thanks
  3. Black Racher

    Black Racher Forerunner
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    Really good looking map. It looks absolutely the same than before. I have only one thing to say : Maybe you should change the shadder of the structure. The towers don't really look like they're built with metal. If you push to 9 or 10 the light influence on these objects, it could be better. I don't know if it took light budget, but sure it will look much better ;)

    Anyway, I just can say you, good job !
  4. no god anywhere

    no god anywhere Forerunner
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    That's what the original plan was but if I raise the metallic on anything, it would appear really blue instead because of the skybox.

    So yeah I tried but it definitely doesn't look good.
  5. Chainer605

    Chainer605 Legendary

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    did u know u can climb the sloping walls of the bases using the smart scope, p.s great work
    no god anywhere likes this.
  6. Brett Elswick

    Brett Elswick Legendary

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    Just a question. Instead of using multiple objects to make your own pelican; why didn't you just go into extras/vehicles/pelicans and use one of the pre made pelicans that the game provides. Its pretty much the same size as the one you made, but without any effort of making it as well as being a very detailed pelican. You can even get inside the pelican, or use a closed one. Just curious.
  7. Saucy

    Saucy Legendary

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    That would be because the pelican props came out lIke 2 days ago and he made the map long before that. I'm sure he'll update the map with the new props at some point.
    no god anywhere likes this.
  8. Brett Elswick

    Brett Elswick Legendary

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    Gotcha. I don't get on much here much or keep up with updates during the semester. Just downloaded the map and noticed that you could put pelicans on it. Was under the impression they had been there the entire time because i'm utterly clueless as to whats going on in the halo world week in and week out lol.
  9. no god anywhere

    no god anywhere Forerunner
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    Understandable. The pelican prop is a little small but I think i'm still gonna use it. Just haven't had free time to make the changes yet.
  10. Brett Elswick

    Brett Elswick Legendary

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    Either way, map is dope and you're dope for making it. Sorry for my previous ignorance.
    no god anywhere likes this.
  11. Black Racher

    Black Racher Forerunner
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    Try to use the new skybox too, maybe you could change the shaders of the two towers and make them more metallic, now !
  12. no god anywhere

    no god anywhere Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    True story but the sun is in the wrong position for the map with the new skybox from what I've heard. Haven't seen it myself though.
  13. Black Racher

    Black Racher Forerunner
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    Is there an option to select all the objects you put in the map to group them all and rotate them to put the light in the right position ?
  14. no god anywhere

    no god anywhere Forerunner
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    no god anywhere updated HALVALLA (Viking) with a new update entry:

    Viking for matchmaking - Numerous changes

    Read the rest of this update entry...
    leegeorgeton likes this.
  15. Yekkou

    Yekkou Yellow, but with "kk"s
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    Yo NGA, loved the look of the map and it's spot on with everything. I've played a couple CTF games on the BTB playlist with Viking and ran into somethings.

    For the games I've played with CTF, they've both timed out. Neither teams were able to score the flag 3 times to game completion. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, and personally I think it's because the BR starts. Everyone is able to hit cross map right off of spawn making it extremely difficult to travel with the flag unless you have a vehicle taking you. Even with a squad escort, the odds are grim.

    I wanna try playing with AR/Pistol starts and see how that goes. But really love the map, hope this isn't coming off as arrogant!
    no god anywhere likes this.
  16. TruncateComb6

    TruncateComb6 Legendary

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    I've played on this map quite a bit, and I certainly am impressed. I tried to recreate Valhalla a while back, but found that the few resources for certain parts of the map and my own rather primitive mind (not stupid primitive, but rather a lack of vision and abstract thinking) made my project impossible (culminating in a Blood gulch rework instead as time is progressing.)
    To see someone fulfill that vision as incredibly as this is just fantastic. I could've never done such a good job.

    That being said, I find myself missing a bit more vehicle mayhem. I read over your post on the 343 Forum and I certainly agree that vehicles aren't all there is to BTB, that infantry interaction and combat is still important. I totally agree. However, 343's initial maps provided minimal variety with vehicles and not much consistency in providing experience with vehicles aside from warthogs and mongooses and a ghost here or there. I feel that Viking would've been a great way to return a Mantis or something. I'm not complaining about your project, and I understand if you suppress vehicles. It plays great and the infantry interaction is consistent and fun, but I feel that the current vehicle assortment is just missing something?

    Overall excellent work though. (My favorite part of the map is the metal wall on the side of the map. It is recreated beautifully and looks awesome!)
  17. no god anywhere

    no god anywhere Forerunner
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    Look, never don't give up. :p

    Just kidding. It was difficult and I had to recreate areas multiple times to get it right but eventually I figured it all out. The wall is awesome huh? It's definitely my favorite part of the map. It just feels soooo epic and that's why I think it stands out.

    When it comes to vehicles, after tons of people downloading and playing my map, even playtesting for matchmaking, I never once heard that people wanted more vehicles on it or I honestly would have put some heavy **** on it.

    Like I said on way point I took the opportunity to suppress vehicles but I did make it for the community and if the community asked for more vehicles I would have given them. Thanks for the compliments btw and I'm always happy to hear feedback, but it's a little late for me to do anything now.

    Actually, I'll make a Viking Heavies version and put it in my file share for custom games.
    #37 no god anywhere, Mar 27, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2016
    Dink and TruncateComb6 like this.
  18. no god anywhere

    no god anywhere Forerunner
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    no god anywhere updated VIKING with a new update entry:

    Seperate file - MM Viking v2 - Second overhaul

    Read the rest of this update entry...
    Gabotron ES and D4rkDeath like this.
  19. D4rkDeath

    D4rkDeath Legendary
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    I've been kinda watching this and jumping onto the map to check it out. I think a lot of it is an improvement, but I am skeptical of 2 min banshees. I am also curious about the fuel rod, it feels slow and clunky in large open areas. I do applaud you for making these changes and hopefully AR/Mag starts becomes a thing for BTB, or at least have both options. Have you tried the decal lighting trick for the water? I am glad to see the glass go, but I bet the water idea has been frustrating. I really hope this plays better because the H5 BR experience on this has been a mess. It's not your fault, the map was well created, but I look forward to the adjustments for sure. Even if Ancestor makes it into MM, if there are BR starts on it, it won't play as well. Bring on the Mag/AR starts for BTB!
  20. no god anywhere

    no god anywhere Forerunner
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    Im open for discussion but as i was telling @Preacher001 in a PM these changes are set in stone for the moment until Unyshek gets back to me.

    To be blunt im skeptical of ALL the vehicle changes. Admittedly without tons of testing we dont know whether the vehicles will end up being overkill or not. I tried my best to come up with something that works and the banshees on 2 minutes is something ive been on the fence about since the change. If there were no new factors like new vehicles and weapons then id be sure that a 2 min respawn was correct, but a lot has changed.

    Things to consider would include the new vehicles, gravity hammer, camo+weapon variations, a new plasma pistol top mid(i think this is big), rocket turrets on each base, the fuel rod, br starts, way more nades on the map, new cover for open areas, etc. Also with more vehicles on the ground how distracted will players be from the sky? Will new anti vehicle weapons be used up on the ground vehicles and spartans too quickly? All of these will interact differently every game and im not a super being that can make an accurate prediction. Will having a banshee 3 minute respawn on deletion cause people to forget to save their anti aerial weapons like laser? The gauss hog is an anti-vehicle vehicle too...

    All of this was laid out on a spreadsheet and i tried to balance everything respectively. I needed there to be less anti vehicle ammo on the map, but just enough. With br starts everyone has an anti vehicle weapon, with pistols no one does. I made sure to find a middle ground as much as possible.

    I wanted to put a 5 shot req laser top mid and a req fuel rod(sorry i forget the names) but i wasnt really sure about putting req variants so i went with standard everything. Anyways, the fuel rod is in a location that actually has a lot of cover now and is also on a platform that vehicles cant travel over. We'll see how it works out. The fuel rod was the best option i could think of as a replacement for the railgun, which was just another precision anti-spartan weapon. I thought about a caster, which would be great for sticking vehicles but it could be quickly wasted if used carelessly and in turn kill the pads opportunity while leaving the map with the boring norms.

    The decal water looks awful on the map, especially in transitions from light to dark and would require just as much resources. I decided gameplay is 100% the focus and id rather remove the 'okay' glass and lights and use those resources elsewhere. The normal Viking file still has glass though for remake reasons.
    #40 no god anywhere, Aug 21, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2016

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