Vidmaster Tricks!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by elitebiker18, Aug 15, 2010.

  1. elitebiker18

    elitebiker18 Forerunner

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    I have been trying for months to get the last two vidmasters I need. Deja vu and Endure. I've tried so many different times with different groups of people but they always quit. Anyway, I was wondering if anybody knew of any tricks or secrets that help you complete these two vidmasters easier. If you could let me know than that would be nice.
  2. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Get friends, GOOD friends. Not just some random kid who wants to help.
  3. Kung Fu Jesus

    Kung Fu Jesus Forerunner

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    Well, they usually have a lot of these on CheatCC and Youtube.
    Well god damn, I knew I was doing something wrong.

    I still need these two, too.
  4. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Deja Vu
    - It's pretty obvious but, grab the rockets and mongooses
    - At the end of the initial part where you grab the rockets and mongooses there is a spare rocket launcher. Due to the programming of the game, it is not considered as the same rocket launcher as the one you just picked up. Pick it up. When you see one of the wraiths, stay back, and fire four shots from both launchers. It's faster than reloading.
    - Pick up fuel rods.
    -Drones appear at the end of the third door. Stay back and as soon as the door opens fire your rockets. Your second weapon should be an SMG at this point, you don't get fuel rods until the next area.
    - Stay back and wait for the ghosts to come to you. They're the biggest threat.
    - Be observant. Shoot at things far away, usually they won't move until it's too late.
    - Destroy all hogs and tanks, just in case.
    - Enter the underground "tunnels". As you get closer to the exit have everyone get off their mongooses. Pop you head out, shoot, fall back, repeat. Get back on the gooses when you're done.
    - If you keep failing at a section, get off before the enemies and shoot from afar.
    -Shoot at phantoms, you can kill them.

    - Play on Lost Platoon.
    - Know the map. Phantom drops occur in the East, North, South and West. Wraiths only drop in the East and West. Choppers only drop in the North and South.
    - You will have four roles: Demolition, Guardian, Driver, and Gunner.
    - Demolition: You will grab a laser and SMG. You will stay in the base at all times. You will kill the wraiths as soon as they drop with a SINGLE shot from the laser. If you use one shot but don't kill it, leave it up to the gunner to kill them. You will also be killing buggers, or in other words, drones.
    - Guardian: You have a couple of jobs. You most important is to stockpile choppers. The gunner must inform you of any choppers he/she removes as a threat, but does not destroy. You will run out, grab this chopper, and stockpile it under the stairs near the front of the base. At the end, my team had 23 choppers or so, they don't de-spawn if you stash them there. Your job is also to tell the other three ODST's where the drops are in accordance to the compass directions. For efficiency purposes, your information relay should take this format, "There are drops in the ____ (North, South, East, East) and the ____(North, South, East, East). The ____ (North, South, East, East) drop has a ____(wraith/chopper/nothing), and the ____(North, South, East, East) drop has a ____(wraith/chopper/nothing).". Your last job is to protect the Demolition ODST from any incoming enemies in the base, and to take out high-priority threats with the Sniper Rifle.
    - The Driver's job is a little easier. Get in the Warthog and drive. Try to splatter high priority target such as Chieftains and Hunters. Do not drive as fast as possible. When you see a group of enemies, stop driving about 100 feet from them and face them with your warthog. Use the controls to "strafe" as you would on foot. Do not splatter if the enemy has: a charged plasma pistol, a hammer, or a primed grenade. Exceptions can be made, especially if this enemy is not looking at you. Hammer chieftains usually cannot swing in time, so only go for the splatter at full speed. I believe you can still splatter invincible enemies. Use the clock face to point out enemy locations to your driver.
    - The gunner will get in the back of the warthog and gun down any enemies in sight, and if necessary, a wraith. Aim for the chopper driver, and not the actual vehicle itself. Try to face forward at all times. The biggest threats are those directly in front of you. Relay information to the sniper about free choppers. Listen to your driver and stay on target.
    - When the Warthog dies, have the driver and gunner get in choppers.
    - When it come time for the black eye round, have everyone grab a chopper and drive them into/near the small building on the right of the base, then get in and stay in the building. Make sure you have headshot capable or ranged weapons. If an enemy is killed within 15 feet of the entrance to the building, drop-run their weapon inside to stockpile it. Designate 1 or 2 people as plasma specialists. They will take down the shields and armor of enemies. Don't all cluster in one spot. If a hunter comes, have someone get in a chopper to splatter them. Lure enemies inside to melee them. When the chieftain round comes, have everyone get in choppers. Alternatively, you can have one person in a chopper the entire round.
    - When the bonus round comes, a phantom will drop grunts off in front of your base. You should be armed with a carbine, fuel rod cannon, magnum, or grenades. Explosives and headshots are the best way to remove of the grunts. If one person is good enough, place them in a chopper.
    - Rinse and repeat.

    Best of Luck,
  5. R Richard P26

    R Richard P26 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Plasma blades I've been trying to get Endure too, thanks for teh amazing strategy. Now if only I can find a way to prevent lagging.
  6. Vantier Raleigh

    Vantier Raleigh Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    That pretty much covers it lol

    only thing i would change is that you should probably do alpha site if you just want to get it as fast as possible (2 hours). split up into doubles and cover the cross section of the map. trying to kill the enemies before their able to make it down their stairs. Don't worry about any of the power weapon's. Iv'e helped several people with this and the only weapons i used were. Pistol, Plasma Pistol, and carbine as alternative to pistol. that's all you need to make it through all 4 sets.
  7. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    No problem, I'm happy to help.

    And I've tried Alpha Site but if you ever get overrun then you can just kiss the achievement goodbye. Plus there's no way to have a fall back plan for that. With Lost Platoon you can use the choppers. However Chasm Ten works great if you have two people on turrets and a two man fire team (one with a plasma pistol for engineers and a plasma rifle, and the other with a sniper and magnum or SMG) waking around the upper catwalks.
  8. Oo iRoNy oO

    Oo iRoNy oO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I would have to say that I have done it like that in the past 5 attempts (3 were successful, YES!). I would have a prefect record, if it wasn't for someone lagging out, and someone else leaving right in the middle to do their homework.
  9. Hat

    Hat Guest

    I have it and i've helped a lot of people get it. Send me a FR, but i'm NOT doing endure. Ever.

    GT: TheHatofWin
  10. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I might do endure. It'll depend on if I feel like playing it at the time. Send me a FR if you're interested.
  11. xXx Shadow xXx

    xXx Shadow xXx Forerunner

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    Now i just need to Do Endure ... Damn u Bungie sum Nub had to Leave cause of some Family Timer
  12. Hat

    Hat Guest

    How's this bungie's fault? I lol'd because I thought he got lagged out, but then i read family timer...
  13. xXx Shadow xXx

    xXx Shadow xXx Forerunner

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    wait Nvm i was thinking something Else...
  14. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    I'm down for endure and deja vu, I need it. i won't lag out, i have a good connection :)

    send me a message ih8y0urg4m3rt4g

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