Seeing as the other videmaster thread is really just people saying they need annual and some saying they are willing to help, I made this. You post if you need it, or if you wanna do it, and I'll put you all into groups of four to keep it clean and simple. If don't see your name up yet that means I haven't gotten chance to catch up, or more possibly you just weren't in a group of four. If you've gotten it before and want to help out, please say you've gotten it. I'm going to put one of you in each of the groups if possible. Having a prior annual person in your party makes it much easier to accomplish. Thanks for helping. After you are done with annual have someone in your group agree to saying it is finished on here. Post your group has completed annual and can be striked. Preferably have the player who had annual complete prior to the match say it, as to say whether you still want to be grouped or not. After the match if you would like to do annual again, just post in the same format as prior, in a new post. If you would like to sign up for Vidmaster Annual, use this format in your post. 1. (GT) 2. (Time Zone [GMT format preffered. Go to the bottom of the page to find your GMT) 3. (Have you gotten it before?) 4. (What time of the day do you have an hour and a half free at least.) By placing this in your post I will set up a few matches. If someone else posts after you, but they get their name in a party before you, it is not a biased preference, but most likely is me comparing timezones to ensure the match can happen. If you have the same timezone as the posts after you, you are ensured position, do not worry. Please refrain from posting in the other annual threads, and keep it clean in this one. I will be updating it several times a day. If you would like to post tips from your experiences in annual that is fine as well. All tips will be placed at the bottom of the page in the "Tips" section. Groups Group 1: You should all attempt to do it on sunday the 13th. 1. Reigning Chaos (Leader) 2. NeonStalker 3. Crypto nv 4. Kilr0n Group 2: GroupInProgress, you both lived in the same area, so sorry your not grouped with others, but that's how it works/ 1. 2. Mon The Tic 3. Sup3rGhandi 4. Group 3: You guys are pretty much ready to go. 1. FreshLegend 2. GOG TOXIC 3. STM 159 4. R Richard P26 Group 4: 1. 2. 3. 4. Thanks to the following people who are doing annual again: Tips: R.C. Epic Fish Finger's Guide to Annual
hey man, this is a great idea it will help loads of people out. Anyway sign me up 1, IdigoBeef 2.GMT London 3. I've never gotten it before 4. I will probably have a few hours free each night after 5PM
- Reigning chaos - Pacific time zone - I have acquired the acheivement and would like to asist other get it too. - About any time after 4. Edit: I'd also like to add, for those of you who have no idea where the ghosts are. Once you kill spark and exit the building, turn left and go under the ramp, they should be there. Good luck to all of you.
-NeonStalker -Pacific(-5) -Need it. -Anytime next weekend because I'm moving right now, and I have school.
1. Sup3rGhandi 2. GMT 3. no 4. whenever im online so about 5:00 GMT also i avent got the best connection so i may be lagging/laggy.
1 R Richard P26 2 Eastern Time 3 Have not got it 4 availible for 1 1/2 hours from seven onward except monday 14th and Tuesday 15th
1. STM 159 2. Eastern Time Zone 3. Have not gotten it 4. Pretty much anytime im outa school all week and today