Vidmaster Annual Achievement Thread *NOW WITH PICS!!* Now with videos! Sorry guys, I can no longer help people with this achievement except where you organise it amongst yourselves. I'll update the list, but it's up to your to get the three people ready before inviting me. Come here to give tips and tricks on getting this achievement and to get help for this achievement, and offer your help. I offer to help anyone do it as long as they're not bad at the campaign and commited to not quit out. Now revel with satisfaction in your newly gained 0GS! People Who Need Help with the Achievement: AmercanPsycho Redearth M. Jelleh Gamerguy45 Metzelda stickmanmeyhem Kilr0n GTs in green now have their achievement(s) with help from me. People Who are Willing to Do this Achievement: Only me. Please post if you're willing to help. I would like to help multiple people with this achievement while this thread is alive. I know that was a lot of text, but deal with it. Read it all if you want to complete the Vidmaster Annual achievement. I will help anyone who wants to do it, but if you post "TL;DR", I won't help you. My GT is EpicFishFingers. Now for Some Pics! Make sure you have the right weapons before going in. I take in two Plasma Rifles and a Shotgun, because PRs have TONNES of ammo. Everyone else took in a Shoutgun and another weapon. I told the other two guys that only one guy should take in a Fuel Rod Gun, but Gamerguy took one anyway. When you get to the ground below the tower, go up here. BR guy'll rack up a loada kills from here. Just an overview to show you where we went to. Gamerguy's first **** up. He decides to go up there to get a better shot (see him up there on the top right of the pic?). When he discovers that he get's a worse shot from up there, he jumps down. And dies. Nevermind... Here, we attempt to cheat. We run up this bit and try to jump to the second floor of the tower, then just run up to the top. None of us manage it successfully (because of lag), so we give up... ...Gamerguy keeps unsuccessfully trying though... ...Even after we reach the top the proper way without his help, he's still trying. He then gives up and goes to the top the long way round. Now, here I illustrate how to get up to Johnson's perch. The first and last jumps can be a little tricky, but for the main part this jump requires no practice. Now we just sit back and kill flood... ...While Gamerguy investigates the strange red glowy thing on further along the perch (it turned out to be a sentinel hatch door) Okay, all the flood are dead. Johnson, let us in. ... Johnson? ] Found him! When you jump up onto Johnson's perch, you have to be careful not to push him off the edge... ... or you have to push him back up to the top (don't worry, he starts running eventually!) Okay, we get indoors and have to fight spark. Do what we do in the pic: Stay against the door! If you go forwards, he just blows you off the edge with his artificial wind thing. And then you hit the death barrier and die And he's indestructable until Johnson lasers him, so shooting him does nothing. Shamefully, I actually die here. No-one draws his fire, and he keeps shooting me. Oops Okay, we get back outside, kill the sentinels and get in the Ghost. Gamerguy insists on going irst, but doesn't want to risk going round this tricky corner. So he goes over it. And dies again. He doesn't fall though, the flood kill him. Fail. Okay, so we try again and again Gamerguy insists on going first, pushing me off the platform in the process. Oh well, I didn't die. Remember, no matter who you do this achievement with, there's always one guy like this... ...One absolute idiot who keeps going the wrong way... ...And must always be at the front even if it means being at the front while going upside down... ... Or pushing me off the edge to be in front. Sorry for that rant Gamerguy, you weren't that bad. At least you didn't quit out half-way through... ... And at least you didn't go too far ahead, and you didn't boost when I said "don't boost", even when the slabs were falling right behind us. Don't worry, we didn't actually fall in here. The slabs fall at the same speed as a Ghost moves without boosting, so we were OK. And we did boost around the circular things. We completed this in just over an hour. Even though Gamerguy was a bit stupid at times, he wasn't bad at the game. We got there in the end Part one: YouTube - Halo 3 Tips & Tricks Episode 2 Part One Part two: YouTube - Halo 3 Tips & Tricks Episode 2 Part 2 ___________________________________ Places where you guys get stuck: Okay, I know which hole you mean. This area obviously wasn't thought through when Bungie included the Ghosts, but you can boost over the top of the rock. However, if you do get stcuk, just stay in your Ghost. Let your allies go ahead to the path inside the cliffs where the Carrier forms are. You should teleport here with your Ghosyt (albeit facing backwards). __________________________________ Now feel free to post stuff that could be added to the guide, and complain about places in the mission where you get stuck. Discuss!
Although a lot of people on this site have already done this achievement, it's still cool to do. Also, this is a fantastic write up. I can see it being helpful in answering many questions that have been asked about it and just the fact that it is broken down into little chunks. The most annoying part of this mission, IMO, would have to driving the ghosts. For the most part, not having your teammates run off too. Checkpoints are nastly little things. Sometimes they're there, sometimes they're not. Yeah, this is a great guide but...Screenshots now! (It would be a nice addition)
What I do is that when we reach the flame thrower, I keep going until I reach the tunnel type thing then jump up on that then get to Johnson and take his laser. Then I actually provide laser cover from Johnson's vantage point and can kill everything.
That's an aleternative way of getting to the top, but you have to rush your way (what with the flood and all). You can take your time doing it my way.
I actually don't have the achievement because the people I tried it with honestly suck and my brother got it with his friends... so I don't have it. :'(
Well I don't really have to run far at all. I don't even have to go to the side that Johnson is covering. I can even get there before he gets to the right spot for lasering.
i dont have any of the vidmaster achievments, because i havn't had LIVE working for months now. for some reason the stupid ass $100 adapter wont even read through the usb, and thus i have no interwebz on my xbox. sadface
I still don't have this achievement. Then again I haven't tried. I think I'm just gonna cheat to the top floor and play legit from there, as I really just wanna do the ghost part.
My friends and I always have a blast doing this. We do it just for fun too. Campaign runs can be really refreshing sometimes (when you aren't lagging). Sad to say, lag keeps besting me when I do it (not my lag, blame Canadians), and we all disconnect when we get to the last tile part lol. Still, it's always funny to continuously kill Johnson, and if you take his laser, he'll take the weapon you had to drop (DON'T GIVE HIM A BR, HE IS A BEAST WITH IT). Yeah, but when he did get a shotgun, he sucks, with a BR, he got an overkill on us lol.
Yeah, I want to do it soon, but I need some friends who will do it with me. I just beat legendary a few weeks ago lol
Good God, I just beat this... First off, staying in a group is really important. Really. Otherwise the floor falls out beneath you. And second, you haven't seen anything until you've gotten to the ghost part. Its the most fun, but is BRUTAL.