I was wondering if you could make a video on "Windows Movie Maker" and then put it on to youtube? Will it work? And also, how long will it take for a 5 minute clip?
yes it does work but not all the time, i can remember it taking over 20 tries for my friend or over an hour, but really depends on what the video contains, with a 5 min clip it should work fine
Just make sure you have it as avi file, and under 200 mb...Avi will make it uploadable to youtube, and the less the bytes used, the less time to upload, which youtube can be a ***** at uploading =/
Right, very good point shock, I couldn't remember what it was exactly, so I wasn't going to give him a possible wrong answer, but thanks for posting that. I tried posting 500 mb clips before I realized how idiot that was =X
Lol nice. If you can get away with avi - it isn't too big and will upload eventually - you'll have a nice high quality version afterwards, which would be a bonus.
ok, after i finish making it, i will tell you the size, and then you can tell me what formet to put it in, if needed.