I've always thought that the majority of people don't place enough emphasis on the music found in movies, television, and games. Most of the time, when remembering a game that I loved, I focus on the music and what it made me feel. So, here's a thread to post all of your favorite tracks from video games. I'll post what has been one of my favorites over the years: Kingdom Hearts II - Yoko Shimomura - Dearly Beloved‏ - YouTube It has a very simple tune, but is just so pure and ingrained in my mind with Kingdom Hearts that it always manages to make me smile. Post yours!
Minecraft's wittle soundtrack never gets old. Ocarina of Time had an amazing soundtrack. Another one I'm not too sure if a lot of ya'll played, the Dark Cloud games. Both 1 and 2 both had some insanely good music. Dark Cloud Soundtrack - "Main Theme"‏ - YouTube Divine Beast Dran - Dark Cloud‏ - YouTube
Kingdom Hearts and Halo, IMO, have the best soundtracks. Yoko Shimomura is a Genius, and Utada Hikaru is a brilliant singer. Kingdom Hearts OST - Fragments of Sorrow‏ - YouTube
If you're going to focus on RPG's, you can't ignore what is arguably the best OST in gaming. I happen to own an original copy, and this is one of my favorite tracks. Chrono Cross OST - Dreams of the Shore Near Another World‏ - YouTube
zelda theme‏ - YouTube The Super Mario Song‏ - YouTube I distinctly remember these tunes from my childhood. Such great and memorable theme songs that I will surely brag about to my children. lol
I don't know much about the game this is from, I didn't play it much... however I loved this song from its soundtrack. Granado Espada Main Theme‏ - YouTube Let's get some Dark Cloud 2 up in here Dark Cloud 2 - 32 - Balance Valley‏ - YouTube
2 kids played the zelda theme on marimbas at the talent show during my last year in highschool. Needless to say, my children are going to play zelda, whether they like it or not.
Dont ask me why, but I love the music from Carnival Night zone 1 & 2, from Sonic 3. They're just so jaunty and catchy, I used to sit there and listen to them for ages and had to reload from a checkpoint because the level timer ran out. :S And I love the theme from Witchyworld in Banjo Tooie. Weird, I must like carnival-type music... Also, very weird reference, but I love classical piano music because of Earthworm Jim 2. In the level "Now Jim is a blind Salamander", Beethovens Moonlight Sonata plays in the background. It just clicked with me, and I researched it after finding out what it was called, and from then on I just love classical piano. Theres something about it thats just so clean and pure, I cant put my finger on it.
Gents, I bide your attention to this: Sonic Adventure 2 "City Escape" Music request‏ - YouTube And I'm not sure if this counts as "Video game music" or not, but I deem it worthy. LITERAL Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Trailer‏ - YouTube
meh, sounds like some gay Disney movie. or a third-rate pokemon theme song. ...but the bass is pretty dope.
It really only fits in context to the mission that it's played on, those who have played the game would remember it vividly.
I love the music of Mega Man II. It is amazing what they could do with that 8 bit sound... The Music of Video Games [01] Mega Man 2‏ - YouTube
i can distinctly hear the sound of picking up rings throughout that song, even though its not really in the track. also, this: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time OST - Lost Woods‏ - YouTube
I love those Literal Trailers, Pinohkio. The Reach one was the first I saw and I almost literally laughed my ass off.