Most of these are from Cat n Mouse and Lost Chamber because the most epic moments happened during those games. Enjoy! "Welcome to the Lost Chamber" "As the cat I adopted three blind mice" "He killed my mice... i didn't take it well" "Synchronized running, it should be an Olympic sport. "..." "Mouse on mouse violence." "A picture is worth a thousand words." "Before" "After" "COME AND GET ME VORPAL SAINT!!" "I DIDN'T MEAN NOW!!" "The Hallway of Safety A.K.A. Corridor of Death" The Obligatory Recon Pictures "Gimme Recon or else..." "Stop bothering me about Recon!" Picture by Dreadknight565 STORY OF THE EVENING Rear Cat = Vicious Vice Front Cat = JustcallmeDrago Mouse = Wyntersbyte(Last man standing) "Wynters had second thoughts about going over the edge." "I on the other hand had no second thoughts." "EVERYBODY OVER THE EDGE!" LAST MINUTE ADDITIONS "Ducks were very angry." "Its a pretty picture." Vicious Vice's Play of the Night "Overkill/Mmmm Brains! Through the wall!" FELL FREE TO POST ANY TGIF PICTURES.
Awesome pics, it was a night of epic fun too bad you have a picture of me getting owned in lost chamber (9th pic)
3 New Additions from some games I forgot. There are now 20 pictures. We played about 50 rounds of Peasant Hunt and about 30 rounds of Cat n Mouse. Cya next time!
MMM Brains, Im glad you got some pics I like looking at the recaps and seeing how they went. Some of the pics are kind of funny too lol
Just so you know, that was my failed attempt to win that C&M game by bailing off. only to be splattered by the second cats boost.
I'm sure you've seen mine. And thanks for showing my mad wraith skillz off. xD That was awesome and an awesome game.
You missed my one minute of punching the cat in the 3rd round of snow mice that flowers ((RECON!!!)) left when it started. :cry: I feel so left out. But that game of Team Raver was awesome.
LOL those are hilarious! Excellent captions. I liked the Cat 'n Mouse ones the most. Your a great person for taking in those poor mice btw.
Amazing would not explain my first TGIF, I'm glad I was in Vice's party. A lot of random stuff happened, REDSHADOW1337 getting betrayed in Snow Mice, myself and 3 other people getting smashed through the wall by a hammer and of coarse being "civilized" by calling the hallway of safety the corridor of death. but of you can tell that from the sweet pictures. I hope I can join your party in the next TGIF, Vice!
Well i see you took alot of pics of me getting owned lol. Like in the six pic i got off the back of the wraith just to get owned by a teamate. But that was one awesome night thanks Vice and everyone who was in that party. Too bad Flowers got bugged so much about his recon.
Wow, that was really fun. I saw myself in some of those Peasant Hunt matches! Synchronized running FTW!