you to The Cheat for the Video Recap. Random Group Picture Team Rave Remix on Sapphire *pulsating music plays* VICEBALL "A player discovering the joys of flight in VICEBALL" JENGA "This is JENGA!!!!!!!!!" "Badly made tower" TREMOR BLAST "see my goosing dirty" "get to the destination in a hurry" "you see me goosing ....dirty" Teamwerks During the Party there was an outbreak of VICE disease. "when in rome..." "3 times the viciousness?" "None of them were actually me" "pffff... Peasants" " Minotaur" ENJOY!! CYA NEXT TGIF Feel free to post your pictures and i will end them in.
lol that was a lot of fun, im just disappointed that i missed out on teamwerks.. oh well, hope to see you in two weeks!
Ah, some good times there was. I kinda feel bad I missed Vice Ball and Teamwerks, but I was tired, and wanted some sleep. Anyway, very good for my first TGIF...I hope to attend # 23 two weeks from now, maybe we can do that special holiday treat everyone was talking about at this one. I found it kinda funny how the Jenga clip syncs up perfectly to the music, and that the only people who survived the dreaded wire spool were the the host (Vicious) and the camera guy (The Cheat) of the whole ordeal. Also, is the pulsating music comment a reference to the metaphor I made between Sapphire and a Night Club? All in all, a fun (If a little laggy at times) and hectically good time!
Great TGIF Vice and great Video Cheat, it's 10x better since you included Zeppelin. The "Ridin' Dirty" Parody you made would even make Wierd Al himself cry because he didn't think of it. Hope to be at your next V.V.V.V.V. TGIF, maybe next time we wont have so many V.V.V.V.V...Vices!
great tgif vice, as always, hope to participate in the next one. outbreak of vice disease, lol. quote by vice: "Looking at Grade(guy in the party) I say, Damn, I look sexy."
Remember during Iced Valley? The Cheat: I just did a barrel roll! Grade: DO A BARREL ROLL! The Cheat: Heh Do a Barrel Roll! Grade: DO A BARREL ROLL! Random Guy: People in my house are ask you to stop saying "Do a barrel roll." The Cheat: Do a barrel roll?
That looks like a lot of fun. The maps look fun, and I like the need for cooperation in some of them. I need to ask, how do you get players to start with no weapons?
Oh, sorry. I didn't notice the pistols. Although I did play a map were you started with flamethrowers once so in essence it was no weapons. It wasn't a modded map either.
It is absolutely impossible to start with flamethrowers unless the gametype is modded, and you can play a modded gametype on an unmodded map.
I was only in the party for one game and that was Tremor Blast. Wakko had the flag and it went into sudden death, he got on my goose and we went on an epic ride back to our base. With 5 seconds left we made it and I was going to go under the bridges but I hit a mongoose on the other side. We got splattered from behind. That was awful. It was such an epic drive too.
LOL, I was in the party when everyone was changing thier emblem and I lagged hella bad and got kicked.. that sucked, but it was fun up til then.
Haha those are some funny pictures you have there, I like the one with the vehicles all on top of each other and the one with the three tremors Nice post
aaaaah vice, you always have the most entertaining TGIFs its too bad that i coudlnt find a spot in your ames this week...dont worry tho, you wont miss me next week
I remember playing in this party. You were the one sending e-hugs to people lol. But yeh, that was fun but I could never stay alive on tremors and mouse.
Lol, I told you I would put it in, it was just to epic not too.(I put it at the most epic part of the song too)