Vicinity v2.0 Created By Sacred x War and Lucifer just (Downloads at bottom of thread) [EDITS FOR Vicinity v3.0 currently in progress] - Figure out something nicer for center structure - Interlock ramps/make them smoother - Create better ramp system for accesing sniper perch - Replace Camo with Oversheilds - Edit spawn points Introduction Hello Forge Hub community. My name is Sacred x War and I am new here. This forge map is a project Lucifer just and I have been working on the last couple days. This is my first map I have ever made, and after reading up on all the Forging 101 sections, I have accuired many new skills necessary to create a playable map. This new project is called Vicinity v2.0 and it has a close quarters/MLG feel to it. Suggestions and feedback would be fantastic! Vicinity v2.0 Reccomended Players: 2-6 Structures: 2 Main Spawn Areas 1 Center Structure Ramps, hallways, and the likes. Structures Description: On Vicinity v2.0 there are two main spawn areas where players start. From there on the back side, there are barriers and wall corners that provide cover during Battle Rifle and Covenant Carbine firefights. In the middle there is a large center structure with two levels. On the bottom level, an oversheilds spawn, and on the top section a mauler. On the left side, I have created a unique tunnel where you can see the opposing players, but cannot shoot them. This is also where the Battle Rifles and Rocket Launcher (2 Rounds) is located. Weapons List: Battle Rifle - 7 with 30 second re-spawn Human Sniper Rifle - 1 with 45 second re-spawn Rocket Launcher - 1 with 180 second re-spawn Covenant Carbine - 2 with 30 second re-spawn Mauler - 1 with 30 second re-spawn Equipment List: Fragmentation Grenade - 6 with 20 second re-spawn Plasma Grenade - 8 with 20 second re-spawn Bubble Sheild - 1 with 60 second re-spawn Power Drain - 1 with 60 second re-spawn Camoflauge Pickup - 1 with 150 second re-spawn Gametypes Supported: Vicinity Team Slayer Vicinity FFA Slayer Vicinity 1 Flag Vicinity Territories New v2.0 Pictures Slayer Varient Sniper Tower View 1 Sniper Tower View 2 Inside Sniper Tower Central Structure View 1 (may change central structure's decorative area into a more functional area) Central Structure View 2 Central Structure View 3 Back View 1 Mauler and Camo Spawn Rocket Hallway Some Gameplay 1 CTF 1 Flag Varient Flag Starting Point 'Purple' Flag Carrier is what the carrier becomes Return point. VERY intense when playing with 3v3 Some Gameplay View 2 Territories Variant Territories View 1 Territories View 2 Territories View 3 Some Gameplay View 3 So please download and comment on my first map. Thanks to my partner Lucifer just and the many testers it took to make this map possible! _________________________________________ DOWNLOAD MAP HERE! ______________ FFA Varient Team Slayer 1 Flag Varient Territories Varient Hope the Forge Hub Community Enjoys!
Looks really good a bit untidy but looks like it'll provdie some good gameplay. Unlike the previous few community maps this looks like it will be able support Ctf pretty well.
wow looks greatfor a first map. I am looking forward to more maps form you. 4/5 dr the map but it looks like it is really fun with a lot of people. I will DL cuz I love CTF and objective games
Looks pretty hug, has some really tall architecture, game-play looks fun, needs a little tidy upping thoug.
Welcome to ForgeHub! I must say for your first map, its not half bad. I see some amateur interlocking techniques and conservative weapon placements, which is always a good sign. Usually new members/forgers believe that there should be 2 of every weapon on every map they create, which is hardly the case. Weapon set looks good except for the abundance of grenades. I suggest either cutting down the frags, or maybe set starting grenades to zero? For such a small map it seems like there would be constant grenade spam, and no one likes that. Also, I see that the RL has two rounds, I hope the respawn time is lengthy, maybe 180 sec respawn? Other than that and a bit of polish, this map looks great! Good job, I hope to see more from you in the future!
Thanks. The rocket spawn area 'glass wall' was made by interlocking two sheild doors, one on the top of the fence wall and on on the bottom. This created a window you could see through, but not shoot through. Inspiration from The Pit's Rocket hallway, but we were annoyed with snipers camping at the ends and random grenade deaths so we created this.
We are still testing this map. It is currently in its first stage. By tomorrow, we will have three or four different gametypes, along with smoother gameplay. It plays very well for MLG and 2 v 2 in our opinion.
Wow, this is one of the most useless suggestions I have ever seen. Please take the time to look at the pictures and give a suggestion that could help this map out more than just "interlock plz". Also you should explain why you think something should be changed so that the author can take the suggestion seriously. But from the looks of it, it looks very nice and semi-original (it's hard to get away from the look, but it's still fun to make the maps). I really like the rocket hallway, you can see thru the fence wall but can't shoot at each other because of the shield door, which adds some tactical strategy. I think im doing to download this and check it out first hand so that it isn't a picture biased comment and so I can give real suggestions. More to come later Edit : Your title for the thread should just be the name of the map, please, because it just clutters up the forum screen and stuff.
Thank you for the great feedback. Lucifer and I are Currently working on v2 which should be out later tonight as well as more screenshots and the likes. We have added a bubble sheild, territories varient, reduced grenade count, and merged the top edge of the map. The map will become neater with v2. EDIT: Name is fixed
....really..... i felt that it looked pretty decent, though i must ask, was it really necessary to have the decoration-crazy fence box area? with the gravlifts poking out...and all those items in there....if they'll do anything it'll be to distract, and lag up more of the better parts of the map, if you don't mind me saying....
Alright, well for now we have v2.0 complete. Walls straight, and grenades lessened. New gametypes and the likes. Oh and tex, the items in the fence box area are for side, a purple and gold side. Then the grav lifts are for people that try to jump onto the crane. In v3.0 we can figure more things out for that 'unfinished area'.