Vice's TGIF Thor edition

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Screenshots' started by Thorax tehGREAT, Mar 9, 2009.

  1. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    So I was in Vicious Vice's TGIF(again) and once again he fails to disapoint mostly. We had a full party most of the night. Most of the people were friendly. We played a mix of mini games to competitive games. We ran into some lag part way through the game. But all in all it was a fun TGIF. Game

    1:Smear the Pinky
    Overview This is when I joined. I didn't really enjoy this I just kept dying and dying was almost always the alpha zombie.
    Mood: Splattastic

    [​IMG] A troop of ghost seeking out their next victims.

    Game 2: Pennyless Overview

    I liked this game even if I am horrible at it. It is quick fast and easy to learn. Nothing really spectacular happened this game. We just had fun.

    Mood: Hectic

    [​IMG] I set a new record for the farthest fly body.

    Game 3: Forgotten Crypt

    Overview This was fun. But it seems the CoC(Corner of Confidence) was not favored in this group. Vice was the only person to survive the entire time without killing the minator.

    He stood there and watched his friends die when he could've saved them.

    This is baiting correctly

    This is baiting gone wrong.

    The corner of confidence is not what it used to be.

    What it used to be.

    Game 4: Jenga
    This game would have been fun but I spent my time spawn off the edge most of the time. This game is too small for 16 people.

    This is a true balancing act.

    Physics: Don't even have it yet and I hate it.

    Game 5: CTF Constrictor

    This game was fun. We won at the last minute. I got 2 triples. Lots of bodies piled up in the cent and I mean ALOT.

    This was an overkill just waiting to happen. But sadly I only got a triple.

    This is a good way to get rid a warthog really fast.

    Game 6:Tremor Blast
    Game 1
    Game 2

    This was fun I was tremor most of the time. There were alot of creative strategies. But many were qwelled by me hehe.

    This is Vice giving me a friendly boosty after getting jacked.

    This is my thanks for the boosty.

    Game 7:TRJYT

    Camping is fun.

    WTF were they trying to do.

    Game 8: Cat'n Mice

    This game was fun. Lots of mancannon launching, dying, and stupid people. Wish I was a cat though.

    This guy wasn't to bright took half the game for him to get out then he some how overlooks the giant wraith and walks right off.

    Game 9: Conquest

    This game was laggy as ****. I eventually just held forward to a shoot.

    This was a killtacular.

    Game 10: Convoy Tunnel

    This game was laggy to not as laggy as conquest. It was still non the less fun. I faired ok, but got infected alot.

    This was the most succeful holdout we had . To bad it was ended by me hehe.

    Game 11: Iron Curtain
    To many games for one overview(to bad)

    This game was my fav. I preferred to be the soviets. This game was awsome it fun on both sides.

    Me no scoping the VIP

    Game 12: Kentucky Tango

    This was a fun game. It ended in a draw. I managed to snag the flag both times, but was gunned down right as I was about to score.

    SPLATTER SPREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Silva Sniper

    Silva Sniper Ancient
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    Very good review.
    1)Smear the Pinkie isn't that fun,because of the concept.
    2)Pennyless had me eating pie(PIE?!!Pie!!!!NONOMONONMON)Anyways I wasn't there but looked like an awsome time.
    3)This looked really fun,you never know what will happen.
    4)Jenga is really a nicley thought of game.That looked fun also.(I AM GETTING JEALOUS!)
    5)Ohh finally a CTF game.I was waiting for a competitive game like this.
    6)Well the rest looked fantastic!Hope you guys had a load of fun.
  3. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ya we did. Even if we didn't play the map we made in Vice's TGIF a few times ago.
  4. Silva Sniper

    Silva Sniper Ancient
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    Yeah,But it was still fun.
    Did you get into any other parties other than nvice's?
    Well id I had live I would go to Sargant Sacrcasm's or Commander Matt's.I love minigames.

    Minigames:Capture the enjoyment and fun out of everything and not ment to be competitive.

    Anyhoot.May more TGIFs come to FH.YaY.
  5. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Great job VICE as always. You are an awesome host and you pick a lot of the games games that I enjoy. I was busy during this TGIF but I plan on hoping to get into your room for the next one! 5/5 just for the recap alone.
  6. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ya his parties are always fun. Mostly a never dull moment except for the occisonal lag.

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