VICEBALL Created By: Vicious Vice NEWEST VERSION - 7/31/08 --- Description: The game is played on a rectangular court on the exterior area of rat's nest. There is a goal at each end high above the players, the only means to score are grav lifts. Your starting weapon is the brute shot and flame grenades that spawn on weapon holders. The VICEBALL spawns above the center of the court and is surround by grav lifts so you don't have to use your equipped grav lift. The object of the game is of course to grab the VICEBALL and plant it in your opponents goal before they do. The game is set to best of 5 with 3 minutes rounds and 30 second overtime. (Special surprise during overtime) Inspiration: I was heavily inspired by the great game of grifball that I'm sure many of you already know and the game slamball that some of you may not know. I just wanted to make a game the felt very vicious, had lots of fire and explosion.. like an american hollywood movie i guess. Technique: This section i will explain how to play the game. You may have notice that behind the goals are fusion coils these are used to fend off attackers usually killing them or sending their jump off target. The flame grenades are the most affective because they cause it to blow 2-3 times leaving only a second between explosions to score. Your trusty brute shot is your all purpose weapon great for shooting out people's grav lifts before they even hit the ground. The best way to score is to either lure your opponents to your side and then long jump over them through grav lifts, or just the basic all out rush which can backfire if you are taken down on your side. So remember always have a grav lift or make sure your teammate does and flame grenades aren't just for incinerating your opponent even tho that is the best. Pictures: JUMPBALL"Showing Vicious Vice jumping off G043R's head during a Jump Ball"MAN ON FIRE "Just because your on fire doesn't mean you can't score"BRACE FOR IMPACT"So close you think he scored.. well you'd be wrong *Bomb Carrier Killed*" VIEW OF THE GOAL "Think you can score?" SCORE "BOOM!" <DOWNLOAD VICEBALL GAMETYPE> <DOWNLOAD VICEBALL COURT>
man i love this, i played it twice with other people after you left so i could feel special about winning. this is a great game and because of the flexibility of the field it could easily have multiple fields, beachviceball anyone? and if i may i would like to sign up to make a court if that is ok, anyways this a great game, better than Griffball because less lag and fancier celebrations. i remember at one poit there were so many Grav lifts on the field that everyone was bouncing around, it was an amazing experience. PS. i'm the dead EVA in most screenshots and of course, i am the man on fire (i did actually manage to score)
I'm already hard at work on an XTREME VICEBALL COURT on foundry but you have my permission for another court. If this pickup i am more than will to set up a low-key competition between friends best part of this game u can play 1on1 up to 4on4 not like grifball where the map is so big. What about ARCTIC VICEBALL??
ALSO note i am looking for a picture to be the official VICEBALL ICON. Im looking for people dunking the bomb or a brutal beatdown. Something i can make look like the grifball icon mixed with the michael jordan icon
if I actually had people on my friends list that played custom games (or halo 3 for that matter) i would definately try this for myself, but srry to say that I won't really be able to give a good review of it for now. You could however get me in on one of ur games if u really want me to. This is a very unique improvement on griffball (and very good from the looks of it too)
send a FR to Vicious Vice i run alot of viceball games usually after 8pm EST and all the time on weekends
And I will be on team Vicious. Yeah, I completely pwn at this game, except when my only teammate is my guest... That sucked...
no, HE sucked, but i managed to score when he was on my team. and sign me up for team vice as well, but don't expect my VB map for a couple of weeks cause i just had an amazing idea for another map of mine.