
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Okasi, Apr 17, 2011.

  1. Okasi

    Okasi Forerunner

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    "Many structures were repurposed during the war. Some served as tactical waystations, others as unmarked graves for the masses."

    I originally tailored Viaduct to serve for big-team slayer game types, however being a big and surprisingly versatile map, i played with the budget limit (and the unknown item limit i ran into) to allow for the greater span of game-types attributed to this map. Admittedly, there is room for improvement with game-types relying on hill spawns, but i believe i've created a map that is for the most part enjoyable.

    The map is symmetrical with near-perfect precision, described by its name "Viaduct" - essentially a bridge that serves for more than one form of transportation.

    It has two levels, the top-bridge and the underneath which consists of mirrored and interconnected miniature bridges. There are eight paths that allow you to move down a level, and of those eight, six that allow you to move up a level without the aid of a jetpack.

    Of these 8 paths, two are teleporter based. The teleporter "doors" are protected by one-way shield doors to prohibit 'camping' behind them.

    Two mongooses (mongeese? lol) are provided for fast transport on top-bridge and, with enough dexterity, the catwalks underneath. As far as weapons are concerned:

    4 DMR's

    2 Grenade launchers at opposite lengths of the map, protected by an anti-camping deathcage

    2 Needlers on opposite corners
    2 Needle rifles
    2 Human turrets on top of tunnels that cover the Top-bridge teleporters

    1 Shotgun in Center
    4 Health Packs
    4 Frag/4 plasma

    Catwalks (being that the map is symmetrical, i took a picture of Blue side
    4 DMR's

    2 Sniper rifles at opposite lengths of the map to form a sniper alley along the middle length of the map

    2 plasma pistols
    2 Assault Rifles
    2 Magnums
    2 Needle Rifles
    2 Plasma Rifles

    1 Rocket launcher on a hovering center platform accessable by man-cannons and jumping from twin-bridges in the center of the catwalks. This weapon is only available in slayer.
    2 Health packs
    2 Frag/4 Plasma
    #1 Okasi, Apr 17, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2011
  2. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
    Senior Member

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    You'll need a picture or two in the thread as well. Check this out if you're not sure how to do that.
  3. Okasi

    Okasi Forerunner

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    I should be able to post more pictures on Tuesday, my day off. Themes will include images of key locations, a top down of player/weapon spawns of both Top-bridge and Catwalks. The map's design prevents me from taking pictures at viable angles, so i will be deleting Top Bridge to provide the necessary shots. ^^
  4. raptororieon

    raptororieon Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yep you should really add more pics cause you can't see very much of the map from that one pic, from that you can see it looks nice though :D

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