Vexillum III

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Celestial Panda, Jun 3, 2008.

  1. Celestial Panda

    Celestial Panda Ancient
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    Map Title: Vexillum III
    Third time's a charm. And boy, what a charm!

    Download Map

    The best overview shot I own.

    Vexillum (pronounced; Veh-cks-ill-uhm) is a symmetrical large scale map designed with CTF and Assault in mind. This map makes use of interlocking, unlike the first two, providing a clean looking environment in which to slay your enemies!

    --Any questions? Feel free to ask--

    Because of the slightly complicated movement, you'll need to download to fully get this map. I do however, have a walkthrough of screenshots for you all to devour.

    This is where the Red Team starts! Crazy huh? As you can see, there are two exits from this position; one on the right, and one on the left.
    We're going left now.

    You already saw the needler lying in that corner, so I guess that'll come in handy now, no?
    Going left takes you along the wall of Foundry, all the way to the end, however there is a stop you can take en-route, should you wish...

    Half-way along your trek to the end, you can turn right (or left, if you're blue). A bridge will take you from where you are, to the exact same place, but on the opposite of the map. So you're essentially on the other team's side.
    Careful though, you just know the enemy is going to do the same thing!

    Hoorah! A carbine! Remember that this map is symmetrical okay? Because what you see on one side, is what you get on both.
    Red Team is special, they get to go up them there stairs, which criss-crosses over the Blue Team's path, which'll make sense one day..

    At the top of the stairs, you can just about see a Regenerator greet you, with his best friend the Brute Shot.
    There is also a large-ish square place, which is useful for hiding/ fighting in.

    And this is where you come out! Which is enough to make dumb people's minds explode, which is cool, because dumb people don't play Halo 3!!
    You can also just about see a BR hidden here (look through the window on the Forklift). See? I care about the BR people!

    So you pick up your BR, and turn 180. This is what will greet you!
    A handy overshield that spawns every 2 minutes is likely to give the Flag carrier a boost! Or just give the Rocket ***** a free Triple kill.. Your choice!

    Pretty self explanatory, this is where the Blue Team come piling out! They too get a Regen and a Brute shot, which I'm sure they'll treasure forever.

    Did I forget to mention the Sniper Rifle?!?! OH TEH NOES D:

    Here we get a view of the Rockets (Two shots, spawns every 60 seconds) and below it, the Shotgun (1 extra clip, 45 second respawn). We can also see the entrances to the two bases. How pretty =)

    A carbine AND a bubble shield? Now I'm just being crazy.
    This box provides a little extra cover, at no extra price to you.

    Woah! It's a tactic to keep you all from charging at the middle like loonies, just like what you do in Foundry (normal setup). You do a little 'half-S' wiggle through the tunnel, to make it into the middle. Careful of Flag Bearers, Bomb Carriers, or shotguns that may or may not hide round a corner! Good thing you packed Grenades, right?
    #1 Celestial Panda, Jun 3, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2008
  2. Bretonfish09

    Bretonfish09 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks fun. WD Celestial Panda.
    Are there any spike nades on the map?
  3. Markkus

    Markkus Ancient
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    Looks fun, I might give it a download.
  4. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
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    youve whacked out 3 impressive maps in the space of a week im impressed - and the descriptions are all good nice on 4/5
  5. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    The map looks overall done very neat. Sure I could say interlocking some more things would help, but most is interlocked and the few things I saw that weren't done look like a problem. Except pic 4. That bridge isn't interlocked into the box and looks like a possible bump. That could affect the gameplay a little. Easy fix, but a possible problem. Otherwise this looks good. I'm a little iffy about the weapon placement. Regen with brute shot and bubble shield with a carbine? Seems very overpowering right there...
  6. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    looks fun i gotta say but some of its just a bit messy and some of its a bit bla looking. ill still try it outsometime. kiip forging. :-D
  7. boydcr2

    boydcr2 Ancient
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    Great job...wish I could DL...Love the descriptions for your pics...keep up the good work...your maps get better each will be featured in no time!!!
  8. Esquisofrenic

    Esquisofrenic Ancient
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    nice job, it looks very good
  9. Celestial Panda

    Celestial Panda Ancient
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    Thank you all! Just got home so now I can read all the kind comments and reply. Here goes;

    Bretonfish09 - No, no spike 'nades. Although I love them, when building a map I tend to stray towards the Frag and Plasma duo. Call me old fashioned, but I love it, so there =P

    Markkus - Thanks :)

    Chicken Dippah - Thanks! I think I might slow down on the posting for fear of boring Forgehub, but thank you for the encouragement.

    zstrike13 - About the bump: Sure, it could be interlocked, but to get up to the bridge you have to jump on a crate, and then jump again. By the time you actually get up there, 9 times out of 10 you're on the bridge already. Coming off just means falling, so although a slight problem, it isn't much of one I hope.
    As for the weapon placements.. possibly probably mebbe =S If anybody plays loads of games on it and finds a problem with them I'll be more than willing to change it.

    Blaze814 - Thanks! It may look a bit messy, but it works well as it is, and to make the crossover bit at the end was difficult enough, without ascetics coming into the picture.

    boydcr2 - Haha! Hope so =S Hopefully the next few maps will be liked just as much =)

    Esquisofrenic [holy hell that's hard to spell] - Thhhhhank you.
  10. Bacon Luvr

    Bacon Luvr Ancient
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    nice interlocking and good design
  11. Madz

    Madz Ancient
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    I like the interlicking
  12. Samuel Blacks0n

    Samuel Blacks0n Ancient
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    might download looks good though
  13. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    What I think should be avoided is putting two power weapons directly above/below each other. It makes it so one person (or two) could easily grab both with little defense. This can in most cases make the map unbalanced
  14. Celestial Panda

    Celestial Panda Ancient
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    I'm going to assume you mean the Rocket/ Shotgun in the middle of the bridge, yea?
    Point taken, but I think with the low ammo reserves/ long respawn time, and the fact that everyone's gonna run through the middle, it should work okay.

    If you get a party together and test it, tell me how it plays :)
  15. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    interlocking, box flipping, would make your map much better. seems a little messy
  16. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Looks really good. For some reason the layout on this one really catchs my eye as appealing. The maps overall feel and look are phenomenal.
  17. Celestial Panda

    Celestial Panda Ancient
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    Thanks for the input, but everything is interlocked. As for box flipping, you're never walking on them, so the right way up is.. Well, the right way up!

    Playing 2-CTF will result in sheer awesomeness. It was designed that way =D
  18. Keitapath

    Keitapath Ancient
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    Good Job, but thi map could be greatly improved through the use of geo-merging and some other forging techniques.
  19. Celestial Panda

    Celestial Panda Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Not if those techniques aren't needed. I had no use for the Geo-Merge glitch, nothing needed to go into a wall.

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