You know what it is like to play matchmaking. You have an option to veto, but you have no idea what will happen if you do veto. Sometimes you veto and end up with a less fun game and/or map and sometimes you didn't veto, but it goes through and your like, oh well I'm glad others vetoed. Why not have in smaller print under the current map and gametype have what will come up if the game is vetoed?
I would like that because me and my friend were playing rumble pit and every game we didn't veto, but every one else did. know what happened? juggernaut on epitaph 6 times in a row.
ya i would love to see whats next, but Idk its kind of a risk to see what the next one is. Who knows maybe bungie will take the idea into considereation if you send it to them
I think that would be a great option. What I also think needs changing is the fact that it waits for everyone to load the map THEN it allows everyone to veto and the map gets vetoed anyway so its kind of a waste of time. People should be able to veto while the map is loading. It would make things much more convenient.
Gears of War 2 veto is awesome. Two maps come up say it's ruin and river. Ruin is on RT, river is on LT. Everyone votes by clicking one of the triggers, which ever map gets more is chosen. If it's a tie, it's the same thing as halo though, random map comes up. Before this as well, gametype is chosen the same way, but you can see the upcoming maps so you can decide if you wanna play guardian on ruin or not.
I think it's a good idea because I hate when I want a map and other's veto because they want something better and it's 10 times worse, but where's the surprise in that? It's good for the fun but not good in terms of surprise.