I frikkin' love this picture because it (also) oozes total badassery I think the various dead bodies strewn around him add a nice touch to it, as well.....and the lighting is just awesome. My Service Record
Badass man. Sweet lighting and pose. His armor is glowing too! Your right, the bodies do add a nice touch. Final Score: 5/5
That is an epic shot. I love the glow of his armor and the plasma rifle. The colors are awesome and the dead bodies are a nice touch.
This picture is better then most. But the fact that the eod's right hand is hanging out ruins the picture. The effect is undoubtedly amazing, but i don't really like the bodies, this doesn't look like a demon that would kill, more of an action hero.
this looks really cool, I'd like this for a background on bungie more than anything -.- the way this is taken it looks so vibrant, so real
The lighting and smoke and all is pretty amazing. You did an excellent job with the pic. I like how his armor is glowing. How did you get all that smoke in the background with that lighting?
The background is nice colour and the choice of gun is good =] Oh and very pose and effect! Good job ..