
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by DMM White, Apr 19, 2008.

  1. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    Created by David White (Dmm White

    Supported Gametypes:
    All supported

    1 Flag CTF
    One Bomb Assault

    FFA games also work but those of you who took part in the Legendary Brawl will know Avalanche is better for team games.
    Map Description

    The brittle remains of what was once a great society, a memorial to those who fell in battle. "

    Vestige is a 'reimagination' of Halo 2's Relic, give or take a few inations. I tried to focus mainly on the gameplay of Vestige, trying to get it as close as possible to Relic, but obviously there are going to be differences because of the shape and size of the map.
    As far as forge objects go, there aren't many. Its not like Foundry where you had to make everything, the main forged items you'll come across are the garage (crashed albatross on Relic) and the bridges blocking the man cannon in to the base, you can drive vehicles in to the man cannon and they'll get stuck to the bridges like magnets.

    Defenders will spawn at the right base (looking up the map). The weapons you have quick access to are the beam rifle, SMG, plasma pistol, assault rifle and battle rifle. The plasma rifles have been replaced with spikers which are a bit further away but still closer to the defender's base than the attacker's. The Covie Carbine is also closest to the defender's base but is easily accesible once the teleporter has been activated.

    Defenders will also have quick access to their ghost and a mongoose. Mongooses have been added because of the size of Vestige and also because I'm sure if there were mongooses on Halo 2 there would have been some on Relic.

    In symmetrical gametypes the ghost is moved to a more central location on the map and the defenders get a warthog instead.

    The Attacker's base is in the opposite corner of the map with a Forerunner themed garage housing the warthog. They also, like the defenders, have a mongoose.

    Attackers spawn near the sniper rifle, SMG, BR, AR, magnums. The Carbine can reached quickly as long as the teleporter has been activated in the cave. The Attacker's teleporter is positioned on the hill just behind the base.

    The only change in symmetrical gametypes is the ghost, mentioned earlier. They still have a warthog and mongoose.


    I tried to make the gameplay of Vestige as close to Relic's as possible. I focused mainly on the fact that, in asymmetrical gametypes, the attackers had to travel most of the map and back again before the reached the flag. In Vestige, the man cannons leading in to the base have been partly blocked off. You can't use them by going over the top, but you can if you jump in front of them. This basically stops vehicles getting in to the base easily, the only way you can get them in is through the doors, which is harder, just like on Relic.


    The teleporters are the bit I like about the map. The attacker's teleporter can be found just behind their base, its two way but, in its default state, it is unusable.
    The defender's teleporter is in the cave, the only way in to the cave is through the door next to the defender's base.
    Once in the cave you will see the teleporter has a football blocking it, just shoot, melee or chuck a grenade at it, it should it the shield door behind it, bounce off and roll in to the chasm. It will not respawn until the next round.
    You may also notice the walls on top of the teleporters. I'll just say that they are the final pieces of the blocking system and they work, trust me.

    Map overview - not exact but you get the gist of it

    Attacker's Base

    The awesome teleporter

    Defender's base- not much changed


    Video to come! It'll be a flyover, not much gameplay.

    I did set up a game for my last map at but 4 people turned up, 1 was a guest, 1 kept asking to be party leader (even though the match was listed as Testing and I said we'd only be playing those 2 maps) and everyone quite after about 10 minutes.

    So this time, if you'd like to help test this map so I can get some proper gameplay videos done, could you post in this thread. I'll set up a match at if enough people are interested.

    Vestige v2
    #1 DMM White, Apr 19, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2008
  2. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    i dont think anyone has commented because theres not much to talk about
    you even say it youself in the picture above
    "not much has changed" an din your diagram there are minimal weapons throught the ENTIRE avalanche map,
  3. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    Sorry, thought I'd have the video up sooner. Also, I downloaded the Halo 2 maps again. I found there were a few more weapons than I thought.
    In version 2 there are now 2 needlers, 3 carbines, a second battle rifle near the defender's base and a few extra spikers.
    Also, the man cannon leading in to the base has vertical bridges blocking it.

    Vestige v2

    And something I didn't mention that was also in v1, that black area of the map has been blocked off. There's an energy blocker at the cave door and a wall of boxes stretching across that section of the map.

    Ok, the YouTube video! Link! I wasn't going for world class, other than configuring the settings with a gameplay clip, this is my first Halo 3 video and the first time I've used the Dazzle Platinum.

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