VESPHER Download: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing The first map i actually put thought into making. It's got lots of weapons, even a hidden Sparten Laser, Try to find it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nothing is particularly special about this map. It was just a cool design that i made as i went, think about where people would be, snipers, ect. In fact, a lot of people say this map resembles the original Foundry. It does, however it is also very different. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The very middle of the map is good for combat, given the tower, many corners and the bridges around it. The outsides are more open, but are still full of action. The Sniper Rifles are on each side of the map, making it even. The Rocket Launcher is at the back, so people dont spawn beside it. The Brute Shot, int he tower in the middle, is a key to survival, to it is not as easy to get to it as it looks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Top-Left corner: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bottem-Left corner: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Right side Gametypes Slayer Weapons Battle Rifle x2 Sniper Rifle x2 Magnum x1 Needler x1 Rocker Launcher x1 Sparten Laser x1 Plasma Rifle x1 Plasma Pistol x1 SMG x2 Spiker x2 Carbine x2 Shotgun x1 Brute Shot x1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first map, so Please download, rate, and give me Feedback!
was any interlocking used in this map? because it kinda looks mediocre. nothing stands out about it. and theres no description, nothing about the play, y u designed it this way. how it is unique
Ha ha, i was doing that the same time you were posing your comments. Description up 1 More screenshot Weapons and Gametypes.
It looks alright, but I think if you just kinda make your actual post look and sound better, you will get much more downloads. Fiddle around with sizes, colours, fonts, ect. Also add more about the map, tell us how it is special, it's best parts, if it is going to get updated and other cool stuff like that. Also, try and get action screen shots. Take my advice, you could get featured.