
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by V, Jun 4, 2008.

  1. V

    V Ancient
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    First off let me say:
    Yes I know there's already a map named Vertigo
    No I didn't know until just now
    And I got Vertigo because I didnt know what to name it and I was listenin to Vertigo by U2 at the time and I liked it.
    So onto the map.

    This is my second published map. This is my first try with interlocking. I made it during finals week (its kinda old now about 3 weeks) as an outlet from rhose dumb tests. It probably took maybe 10 hours give or take. That's my stoy in reality now here's the story for the map.
    You are part of a powerful group of mercenaries. You've made your name well known around these parts. However, there's rival group of mercs in the same area. Neither group likes eachother but they respect eachother's power and accomplishments. Both groups want the other out of here. The reason why this area's so important is because both groups are fighting for control of an old UNSC weapons and testing facility used during the halo wars. It has long been abandoned and is starting to fall apart. The areas where powerful weapons have been locked and booby trapped with controlled explosives to ward off unwanted visitors but the controls are busted and out of shape. Both sides are pulling out all the stops in this battle as they've sent in a large portion of supplies including some mongooses and have gone to the extremes of launching carpet bombs! Both teams have set up defenses and are making one last attemtp to erradicate the other's existence.

    Now for the juicy details:
    This symetrical map is set for Team Slayer (FFA will not work), and any CTF and Assault gametypes. It's recommended for teams of about 5v5 but can support teams of any size. This is my first map on here to feature an interlocked layout and I think I did a pretty darn good job for only 10 hours while my mind was on finals.

    Now for the lovely pics:
    (Seeing as this is gonna be a large post, I'll only do pics for one side; they're both the same)
    The starting point
    Now before you say 'Oh god that stupid <expletive> put an armory in the map' you'll find that once you take something out of your teams supply point, reinforcements won't send in supplies for quite a while: everything in that room has a respawn of 90. The two-way node to the laser is in here. In the meantime, you can get additional supplies from here:[​IMG]
    These have a respawn of 30.

    The defensive structure/The main part of each base
    On here you'll find a couple of carbines, a shotty, a flame grenade, a turret, and two maulers underneath the boxes.

    The respawn tunnel
    The sender node closest o the camera is for rockets and the sender node in the corner is for each team's sniper.

    The sniper perch
    There's also a br a power drain and two frags up here to allow for a decent amount of support for your team fighting below. Watch out for the opposing sniper as he'll have a clear shot on you if your not payin attention.

    The Laser
    The middle node is a sender node that takes you to the box below the rockets (in the next pic) and both nodes on the sides are two-way nodes connecting each others bases.....

    The rockets and hammer
    There's plenty of cover along the catwalk to the hammer which has a firebomb with it and theres also a mine and firebomb with the rockets the rockets have no extra clips because of the additional firepower.

    Now for the special surprise.........
    Carpet Bomb!

    Also, in order to get to the sniper, rockets, and laser, you need to set off the explosives blocking the teleoprters. The best way to do this is to use the turret on each base's defensive structure. You can actually get to the sniper with some good jumping if your team isn't paying well together but you're extermely vulnerable in the process. Here's where the explosives are located and a view of all three from the turret.
    The turret
    Laser (this is actually on the opponents side but you can't see the other bomb on your side)

    Also, the bomb spawn is behid the box that has the shotty and turret and the detonation is set on the little caged pipe area (you can see it partialy on the picture where the carpet bomb is going off look behing the leftmost barrier. The flag spawn is located between the mongooses and the capture is inside the spawn tunnel.

    Weapon details: (Weapon name - # on map - spare clips - spawn time - placed at start)
    Supply points (These stats are for one base):
    Assault Rifle - 3 - 1 - 90 - yes
    BR - 3 - 1 - 90 - yes
    SMG - 4 - 1 - 90 - yes
    Magnum - 4 - 0 - 90 - yes
    Mine - 1 - 0 - 90 - yes
    Power Drain - 1 - 0 - 90 - yes
    Bubble Shield - 1 - 0 - 90 - yes
    Regen - 1 - 0 - 90 - yes
    Deployable cover - 1 - 0 - 90 - yes
    Supply Point Outside (For one base):
    Assault Rifle - 2 - 0 - 30 - no
    BR - 2 - 0 - 30 - no
    Defensive Structure (For one base):
    Shotgun - 1 - 1 - 60 - yes
    Mauler - 2 - 1 - 45 - no
    Firebomb - 1 - 0 - 45 - yes
    Carbine - 2 - 0 - 45 - yes
    Turret - 1 - 0 - 120 - yes
    Rest of Map
    Needler - 2 - 1 - 45 - yes
    Spiker - 4 - 1 - 30 - yes
    Plasma Rifle - 4 - 0 - 30 - yes
    SMG - 4 - 1 - 30 - yes
    Sniper - 2 - 1 - 90 - yes
    Rockets - 1 - 0 - 90 - yes
    Gravity Hammer - 1 - 0 - 90 - yes
    Carbine - 4 - 0 - 30 - yes
    Brute Shot - 1 - 1 - 60 - yes
    Power Drain - 2 - 0 - 60 - yes
    Trip Mine - 1 - 0 - 60 - yes
    Frag Grenade - 8 - 0 - 20 - yes
    Plasma Grenade - 4 - 0 - 30 - yes
    Firebomb - 6 - 0 - 45 - yes

    Well that's all (finally). I think this is a pretty big step up from warzone. Not great or anything but it plays well and I think you'll enjoy it. Oh and try not to get carpet bombed!
    Download Vertigo

    CANADAs ARMY EH Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i like th u shape but to much fusion coils
  3. Scott12343

    Scott12343 Ancient
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    Nice map. It looks really fun
  4. Tofu

    Tofu Ancient
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    lol, I really like the Carpet Bomb affect. :D
  5. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    how do you activate carpet bomb or does it spawn after a while?
    like the idea though
  6. sgt.pepper

    sgt.pepper Ancient
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    seems like a good map, yet the carpet bomb is kinda childish
  7. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    Looks very easy to get out of and the fusion coils will cause lag.
  8. V

    V Ancient
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    The carpet bomb spawns after a while. And the only way out of the map is to grenade jump over the sniper wall. I wanted to give the feeling of an open, building thats starting to lose parts of the wall and all that jazz. If you do jump over for whatever reason, there's a teleporter outside that'll take you to the middle box under the rockets. And lag isn't much of a problem. Thes a long pause between each bomb that it shouldn't cause too much lag if any.
    #8 V, Jun 4, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2008
  9. Jebus1001

    Jebus1001 Ancient
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    So many fusion coils! Anyway... Try taking your pictures from a custom game saved film, that way you see all of the teardrops (except for the picture of the spawns)

    Also, is the armory thing really necessary? Because all it does is promote camping, especially with the shield door, long respawns generally don't discourage campers considering the amount of weapons in there
  10. bluepenguin23

    bluepenguin23 Ancient
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    very cool! like how the carpet bomb efect is.
  11. Zowabashi

    Zowabashi Ancient
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    Looks like a lot of work was put into this, but the falling fusion coils look like they would throw off gameplay perhaps?
  12. Dark Ruler

    Dark Ruler Ancient
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  13. V

    V Ancient
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    I can promise you while I used all the fusion coils, it lags minimally at the worst, I played a ten minute forging session with 5 other friends, (3v3) and we experienced no lag. The armory isn't that stacked. Considering you should be playing with around 4 or 5 people on a team, that means everyone could get a BR or AR and one person could get a trip mine which is probably the most powerful piece of weaponry in the room. When there's shotties, maulers, carbines, stickies, snipers, firebombs, a laser, a hammer, and a rocket outside the armory you'd be pretty foolish to try camping inside there with what you're given.
    The fusion coil 'carpet bomb' was put in with asault and CTF in mind. Use it to your advantage. As a team, if you can push the other team back to their base before the bomb hits, it can devestate the opposing team and help you make the final push on their flag/bomb planting point. Learn to predict when the bomb will fall and with some coordinated teamwork you can be sure to come out with the win. This is really a CTF or Assault map at heart.
  14. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    the fusion coils just totally ruin gameplay. if you didnt have them the map would actually be ok. you used some interlocking but yet someparts still look messy. i like the layout of the map, but all and all i'll say 2.5/5.
  15. V

    V Ancient
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    Might I ask how they ruin the game? When playing assault or ctf I personally think it brings a new element of strategy into the game. Can you explain to me the scenario in which the game was ruined because of the fusion coils? I have no problem with your honest opinion I just want to know how to improve.
  16. Esquisofrenic

    Esquisofrenic Ancient
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    It looks nice and well built, nice job
  17. PingPongLegend

    PingPongLegend Ancient
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    very aesthetically pleasing and the carpet bomb this is pretty cool i really like the base even though it is fairly simple but the rest of the map looks well thought out and well made, not saying that base isnt
  18. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    i think that there is to much fusion coils in the map i would take some of but this is a really nice map it looks like it could play well so well done on that
  19. V

    V Ancient
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    Yea you and about 2/3 of the people who played this map with me. Sigh... Oh well, I was just tryin' to try somethin new. Nuthin' ventured nuthin' gained, ya know? I was hopin this would get a little more press time after ping pong legend dug this back up out of the forum's virtual grave lol. I'm just happy I got actual criticism from you guys instead of stupid little three word posts saying "looks good 4/5" or "too many fusion coils, map sucks 1/5". This was just a simple project I was doing in between my studies for my final exams last year because for once in my life I actually got worried over a simple test and I'm happy that I had 1/3 - 1/2 of the people who played this say they liked it.

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