I decided to make a manipulation really quick to see what I can do. I took a photo of a women from deviantart and then turned her into an alien. OMG! Before: After: C&C Please!
I usually really like your work but this isn't one of those times. The manip looks good and all but I don't really like it. For one I doubt aliens wear make up and also the eyes are kinda blending too well. It seems a little monochrome also since the majority of the pic is green. For what it is though it is good so good job. You just might want to change it a little. :/
Well, I thought so, since the blending in manips is expected. And I added make-up to make the manip more stimulating.
Well... You did do a great job of keeping the green on the chick and so kudos there. That's about all I can say though so w/e... Good job! =)
Not to say I dont respect your opinion. Im only saying to do some more research on parts unknown before you comment...
She looks scary, in both pictures lol... Nice work on the manip though man. Just my only suggestion would be to have the text look tattooed to her arm saying "Alien", try that out.