Vertebrae Description This is a balanced map that has a central base that can be taken down from any direction. the map uses all of foundry but is smaller than expected. the map has a large arch at its center that has limitless potential for whoever is controlling it. Suggested Game types Slayer Team Slayer 2v2- 4v4 Pictures Back Base Indented Base Indented Base Full Back side of the map Middle of the Map Epic Arch Action Pics Hope you like my map. Download and enjoy! My Gamer-tag is Mich Master 32. go there to download the map. while your their check out Ventilation. Here is the link : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
This looks like another good man, mich. I guess its the same that i thought of your last one, unique in some ways and some ideas are kinda old, overall a great looking map. one problem with this one the "Indented Base" the fence walls are almost touching the red fence geometry, therefore making it a bit harder to get on to with out jumping... i dont know if that affects gameplay that much, but it just bugs me. anyways ill dload for now. 4/5
dude, this map looks epic. is this ur first post? if so congrats! its kinda wierd how there are guns n stuff sitting in the middle of the floor, but who cares its ur map and u can do wat u want! like i said sweet map, Ill make space on my hard drive and give it a shot. 4/5 keep it up! ~BlackhawkO3~ My maps... Security six Industrial V2 Otherside V2 Death fracture work in progress....MLG Imperial (80% done) and Innervision (just started)
wow, this is a pretty impressive map. i actually like how you have little to no geomerging, i absolutely hate doing it, and i hate how people complain when a map doesnt have it, but this map looks really good, and it has no geomerging, well done 4/5
On the image "indented base", I think it would be much nicer to be able to walk up the fence walls rather than jump on them. It is much smoother and makes for better gameplay
looks nice, good layout and nice interlocking. My only complaint is that the boxes in the back aren't geo-merged and it would be more smooth if they were, looks good otherwise though.
good interlocking, its nearly flawless and the map has a good layout, not to be mean or anything but the arch could have used a few more double boxes, besides that, gameplay and basicly everything else looks great. 4/5