hello im relativaly new to forgehub even though ive been visiting it since august of last year. im almost ready for my first map.its a remake of verruckt from cod:waw so far ive gotten most of it done so any suggestions would be good:happy:
He has pictures? I don't even see any "wrong image link"-images, or the likes. oss1, could you at least show us something? This isn't a preview at all, it's barely even a teaser.
Wait...you're asking for suggestions, but you label this as a preview? Change your title name and maybe people will help you out. Heres some to help you out: -Make it exactly like Verruckt -Have receiver nodes turned upside down as the "coming out of the ****ing ground" sequence thing -Make it good, damnit.
He has them on haloscreenshots. If I had the time, I would post them, but it's on FOundry. I see more resemblance to Nacht dher Untoten than Verruckt.
I figured as much. I keep telling people that there's no way to come close to recreated the entire Verruckt, but no one will believe or listen because they think it's possible after I made the Last Day... I would still like to actually see the pictures though. How did you?
Well... it just might be possible to make in the crypt... but at the same time, so many parts will have to be left out because of budget and plus you just can't remake the powerup soda machines. It MIGHT be possible but it will be a very poor, empty remake at that, especially if it is done on Foundry
yeah im sorry that my screenshots arent working and also all that ive done with the map is make the 2 begning rooms and the left side is going to be smaller but thanks for the advice