MLG Ventricle

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by WAR, Mar 26, 2012.

  1. jimmight

    jimmight Promethean

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    When we were looking through the other submissions we were glad to see that there were other maps such as this which were at least playable. Nice to see another map that supports vehicular combat :p
  2. HOMY

    HOMY Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    jo bro you've made it into the favorites to come to this is the hammer
    you are one of the few who have earned it
    generally, the ideas are innovative and well thought out the design is very nice
    I am very pleased with the results of sophisticated new things

    apologize 4 my bad english
  3. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    Agreed. This has been an issue I realized after extensive testing. The construction of the map has been an evolutionary process and it has yet to reach it's full potential. Expect revisions to be made in 'v2'. Originally, the second level had much higher elevations, the jump up ramps were installed afterward to solve this.

    I don't think you were using the correct settings during play. The map was designed for 110% jump height (MLG). While crouch jumping helps out during play, it's not essential. All of the jumps you're talking about can be made without the use of crouch.

    I want to push the bases closer into center but at the same time I have to prevent passage from center into the base. I could easily accomplish this by lowering the central ring but this would disrupt the spacial balance of power. In arena styled maps, the middle tends to support map control and having a height advantage is one of the best ways to accomplish this. Although difficult, I'm confident that these adjustments can be made, I just need a careful sense of balance and placement.

    Disagreed. Again, when using the proper settings, no crouch is necessary for the jumps and this one can be made easily. It's impossible to jump over the middle hole with evade use. You can use jetpack to fly across the center but in my opinion, its just not an inviting route. I tend to circle around it during play.

    Disagreed. Although the window is large and seemingly open, it's not possible to pass through. If you dissect the pieces used, a number of Decorative Struts are in place framing an "invisible barrier".

    I enjoyed reading through your comments and appreciate the time spent articulating your concerns. I'm very self critical and have many similar adjustments in mind. No map is perfect (except for "Onslaught":p) but I'm really happy with the way this turned out and am equally excited for future improvements. The evolution of this map is ongoing, just don't expect a v2 this title.
    #23 WAR, Aug 9, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2012
  4. caughtsword4

    caughtsword4 Promethean

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    this is a good map. I used to not like MLG that much, except until I saw this. Theres clean forging, and it looks great.

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