Foundry Ventilation

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Plasma Blades, Apr 27, 2009.

  1. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Okay, this is my first map I made and.. Its not too great, but I'm remaking it on sandbox and thought it would be helpful to post what the map looked like before =)

    So this is a basic overview of the map. As you can see, the forging isn't great, however I think the map has potential if I make it correctly.

    [​IMG] On the left is a grav lift. If you use this, you can jump to the small platform, and to the two-way teleporter in the center of the picture. This leads to the two-way on the top right. This is in a fence box with a spartan laser. (This is somewhat random, but I think sandbox needs fence walls and fence boxes, they're a big part of a lot of maps. Any idea what I could make the splazer box out of..?)

    This is the sniper room. Typically the mancannon has a dumpster in front of it to prevent camping (explained later). On the right is a one-way doorway (somewhat)with invisibility. Once the player picks up the invisibility, the crate falls, and no one can fallow them in. however, if they jump on the crate, they can get out through the roof, and other players can get in that way too.

    This is the central rocket platform.The cinderblocks were supposed to resemble collums, which sandbox can help with.

    I mentioned before that the dumpster is there to prevent camping. The plasma grenade in the middle of this wall corner is picked up and thrown between the A&B signs. It travels down this tube, and detonates two fusion coils, which in turn destroy two pallets. The man cannons spawn ten seconds into the game, so the pallets respawn, hitting the dumpster, and sending it flying to kill any snipers.

    Sorry if I'm missing anything, this is only my second post on forgehub and I'm kind of in a rush =X. Anyway, seeing as I don't know how to add a poll, I'll just ask - Is this worth remaking on Sandbox?

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