Vent Your Frustrations!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Xun, Jul 27, 2011.

  1. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
    Senior Member

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    You should set fire to the person who crashed into you. ****ing foreigners.

  2. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    I thought my internet connection was pretty bad until I saw yours, Pohk. Now that I actually checked, it's slightly lower than the global average, which isn't all that bad I suppose, compared to yours, anyway. ;P


    I'm legitimately surprised anyone decided to resurrect this thread, I thought it had died permanently. I forgot I'd even made it in the first place, actually. :p I've really got nothing to ***** and/or moan about; I recently got back from an awesome second trip to New Zealand, I got a job pretty much as soon as I got back from said holiday that has the (almost definite) possibility to become an apprenticeship, I've got my health (touch wood), my fiance, and everything is generally great.

    Perhaps I can ***** about not having anything to ***** about, but I suppose that would be petty, so maybe I'll complain about not having much time to play games as much anymore, which isn't really a bad thing either. I suppose once I start formal training for the apprenticeship I'll have to dedicate more time to actually furthering my career (minus pro points for succumbing to RL), so the transition will be easier when I don't have time to game as much anymore. I also have to start exercising again, since I've moved states with my partner I've gained weight from having several months off and doing pretty much nothing, so several articles of my old clothing no longer fit optimally (minus pro points for slight muffin-topping). I'm also weening off a medication that has weight gain as a side-effect, so hopefully that'll help get me back into shape, too.

    Anyway, off for dinner now. Peace.
  3. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I am frustrated by the lack of frustration.
  4. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
    Senior Member

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    To reverse things as Xun has done:
    -Steady job
    -Live a block away from the beach
    -Food/shelter/etc. from parents
    -My cat's awesome
    -My photos of my cat are awesome
    -My photos of my cat and I wearing matching sweaters my grandmother would approve of are awesome
    -My humor is swell
    -Good health
    -Good school/career (hopefully)
    -Reading more

    Down sides:
    -No friends my age here
    -No girl
    -No car
    -Work hours suck/pretty boring
    #1084 Monolith, Jun 10, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2013
  5. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
    Senior Member

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    Forza Motorsport 5 E3 IndyCar Teaser - YouTube

    I watched this video all happy and excited. Then I read the top comments.

    People are ****tards, if you're a fan of the game and you want to play it, quit crying and buy a ****ing Xbox.
  6. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    That's something that pisses me off, people bitching about what MS has done with the Xbone. Stop complaining, children. Yeh, the required connection every 24 hours is a little weird, but who really cares? If you don't have an internet connection then you probably shouldn't have a console. The thing with the used and hired games also sucks a little, but it's honestly not that big of a deal. You can still give a friend a game to borrow, why complain? Are you going to ***** it out to every single person you know? Probably not. In the end, it matters about what you want to do with your console, not what you want everyone else to do with it. MS will very likely fix it in the end anyway, so stick a tampon in it and get over it.

    I know I'm going to get an Xbone as soon as it comes out, and the specs for it to irk me a little, but I'll get over them. Eventually, everyone will come to accept them. Or, if they don't accept them, come to terms with the fact that you don't want it, actually commit to not buying it, and shut the **** up about it and let the other people who do want to buy one buy one.

    There's going to be some good exclusives for it, and there's positive things that people seem to be passing over, like the partnering with to make live streams that much easier, the fact that you can record and upload gameplay without a PVR, having one Gold subscription for an entire family, and things like being much more like PS+ in that they give you free full version games if you're a Gold subscriber.

    For ****s sake, grow up and catch up with the rest of the world. I'll very likely end up getting a PS4 too. See, that's what an adult would do, make a ****ing decision and move on.
  7. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
    Senior Member

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    Yay, people have a brain!

    Bless you Xun.
  8. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I am frustrated by the fact I almost never go here anymore.
  9. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Then just do it again. There are still plenty of things going down. Besides, I still haven't seen in you in any of my new BIOC lobbies. Try that too. :p
  10. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
    Senior Member

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    This is what frustrates me. People hating on others for voicing their opinion on what Microsoft has done wrong with their new console. The first half of your post was about all of the drawbacks, but you just gave them a pass for no apparent reason. There's obviously stuff wrong with the X1. So, don't get mad at people who don't want to #dealwithit just to get a couple exclusives and some gimmicky media integration.

    And, you're right, Microsoft might fix some stuff down the road. That's why I'm waiting at least 6 months after release before buying a next gen console. I want to see how things flesh out and make an informed decision based on the things I want in a console. The gaming community would be much more tolerable if everyone would just be patient instead of raving or raging about every little piece of information that gets released.
  11. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry Xun, but I disagree :p

    Frustration 1:
    People who extensively debate over pointless things like videogames (not a personal jab at you, Xun, more about people who debate constantly over the topic). It's not worth taking those things so seriously. Private conversations with friends or at the workplace if you're a videogame designer or something: sure, go ahead. If not, the frank solution: Get a life.

    Frustration 2:
    I'm basically the chauffeur for my grandma since she can't drive anymore. What's worse is she's almost 90, she's losing her memory, and she is slow. Then whenever a family members is in town I have to go along and hear the same stories over and over. It succkss.
    #1091 Monolith, Jun 16, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2013
  12. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    My Grandmother has Congestive Heart Failure, and has 5 years to live..

    My grandparents are the only ones who clearly remember the Cambodian genocide first-hand, and they refuses to talk about it. :\
  13. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    I agree with you that people should have an opinion, but it's the fact that they continually voice their opinions about it, over and over again, relentlessly because they must think it makes them cool or something. Honestly, the only reason I bitched about the bitching was because I was pretty much fresh off IGN, and basically every person there has something bad to say about Xbone. It just really irritates me when people get whiney about things that don't really matter in the long run. Which brings me to my next quote.
    You get a life :p.

    Seriously though, I almost wholeheartedly agree with you in the fact that videogames aren't the most important thing in the world. I say almost because I'd be quite bored without them, admittedly. I barely play them anymore now days, as my new job takes up a lot of my time and I can only play for an hour or two, perhaps once or twice a week, and maybe an hour more on weekends if I'm lucky. I'm also aware that this post sounds like a massive backpedal (you can almost hear the reverse beeper), but it was pure frustration with people's idiocy, not the fact that they don't like MS.

    Anyway, now for an actual frustration that can be deemed legit. Since I'm basically an apprentice, my new boss has told me that I am to take notes whenever I see or hear something noteworthy, then put them in a neater notebook so I can reference back to it later in my apprenticeship. I thought I had gotten enough stuff in, apparently I have not, however. According to him I should be taking basically every bit of information down that gets thrown at me, problem is though, I get a million things thrown at me whenever he's showing me something, so it's hard to get information down efficiently enough. I ask him to repeat himself but he seems to get frustrated by that, so I try not to do it. On top of that too, I have to work pretty much continuously, so I've really got to manage my working time and note-taking time down to the millisecond, basically. I guess I've just got to go back to my school days, which will be hard considering that was almost a decade ago now.

    On the plus side, though, he says he's pleased with my progress in the practical side of things, as I've picked up a lot of the things pretty quickly. He also says I've got the ability to be a tradesman, but time will tell whether I will be good or not. I'll take that as a good thing, so +1 Happy Point for me.

    tl;dr Bite my shiny metal ass, Erico. :p
    #1093 Xun, Jun 17, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2013
  14. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I liked your post because I'm agreeing on not agreeing with Xun. :p
    It's not like I totally disagree, but I just feel it is useful to complain about something like that as long as you keep using your brain and don't just pointlessly ***** about stuff.
  15. DC

    DC Ancient
    Senior Member

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    School has been pissing me off lately. Not really my classes, but the curriculum and how the system works in general. While I'll admit a large part of the problem I face is my own laziness, but the problem still exists. Personally, I think in numbers and sciences, I try to believe that I think logically most of the time. Since probably 7th grade i've nearly failed almost all my english and history classes. I don't do my homework, but realistically, it's only 10-20% of my grade. The god-awful books they require students to read are simply pieces of information I don't take in. Some poetry or some allegory from the 50's is not teaching me reading comprehension, writing composition, or vocabulary. Personally, if I could change the curriculum, I would just have english classes teach me how to correctly format a thesis, or an essay with actual intuitive, logical thinking put in. As of now, our essays require us to pull 3 examples from the text, implement them, and follow a prompt. History classes are the same way, except every teacher that teaches couldn't give a **** about the subject, because all the class is is a **** ton of required on-demand essays. When would I ever need to do an on demand essay other than on the SAT? Also, what is the relevance of grinding through U.S history? I understand learning the basics, like who fought on which side in this war, but I don't understand learning about this general who helped his soldiers survive on this hill. Great for them, I want to study physics. The U.S doesn't even have an interesting history. Greece, Rome, China, Korea, the middle east, those have interesting histories.

    If you gave my 20 new formulas for physics, or geometry, I could learn them and use them in no time at all, but still the "right brain" subjects make me look like a bad student. With the gpa I have currently, some of the colleges I would like to attend wouldn't even look at me. I'm required to take an english course next year, but other than that all my classes are either in the maths or sciences, so hopefully that'll help.

    Oh and this girl I hooked up with when I was drunk at a party hates me now and makes a huge deal out of it, because everyone at school found out what we did. We were at a party with alot of people. I didn't tell anyone and I get bitched at for it. **** that *****.

    Damn, haven't really vented in a while. Small little meaningless rant right there, that is completely making a mountain out of molehill, but I'm happy about it.
  16. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Same for me, bro!

    Today I had this important resit, so I studied all day, and I'm talking THE. WHOLE. ****ING. DAY. To make sure I was going to pass it.
    I just got back and I completely screwed up.
    #1096 REMkings, Jun 19, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2013
  17. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    **** being sick. **** it in the ass. It's Saturday here at the moment and I could have been doing some overtime work at my job if I wasn't so messed up from this damn cold. My eyes won't stop watering, my nose won't stop running, I cough up **** every ten minutes, I sneeze uncontrollably for around 30 second, the list goes on.

    It's probably not as bad as I'm making it out to be, but I wouldn't have been able to do my job properly because if I can't see, I can't do my job right. Working accurately on a lathe requires one to be able to see past three millimetres.
  18. Hodor

    Hodor Promethean

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    Bran told me to stop Hodoring. I didn't.

  19. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Way to go, you killed the comedy in Hodor. Now it's just annoying.
  20. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
    Senior Member

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    When someone dislikes something and only seems to sputter when it comes to a reason.

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