I hate intelligent women. I mean I love them, but I still hate them. It's like a persistent game of 5D chess every time we do something together, which I both love and hate at the same time. I love the challenge, but I hate the fact that I need to be on guard all of the time. EDIT: 1000th post in this thread! Wooo!
was the poster female? also, post hose pics here, I'd like to see them, I never got to visit Xi'an I'll put up some of my Hong kong/Guangzhou/etc pics
Got ****ed over on FLT in the first Sector at the 3rd jump point. Solar Flares wiped out my cameras AND doors then I got dropped into a battle without realising half of my ship was on fire.
this pretty much describes most debates that anyone under the age of 18 tries to have about anything. also what's up with all the misogyny in this thread?
Actually, forget everything I've ever said in this thread. **** Tuesdays. Tuesdays are infinitely worse than Mondays, and anybody who doesn't agree with me is near as bad as Tuesday.
I have never had that issue. People tend to assume assertiveness implies intelligence so maybe that's the cause of your problem. Edit: If you just want to have sex with them they will be the ones to see that and start the 5d game of chess though. Don't try to hit on intelligent women.
I find her incredibly attractive though.. I mean, the sex will probably be great too, but I'm looking for more than that for now.
Deadbeat people, why you gotta be so deadbeat. There's no fun in being deadbeat. Gawsh. There's a world of awesomeness at the tips of your fingers. Sham'on, do something epic!
Objectifying people, why you gotta be so objectifying. There's no fun in objectifying women. Gawsh. They're people too, not just sexual objects at the tips of your fingers-- and if I ever find one of these objectifying people specifically, I'm going to drop kick his testicles out of his anus. Sham'on, ****ing grow up!
Vent my Frustration huh? ok if you say so! People hate playing firefall with me when they "Try the same thing and fail." I am tired of aggrogant people! I am sick and tired of being told My plan for my life is terrible and I should drop it and follow their "Flawless" plan. I hate it when people say something I do is terrible but dont give me a reason and avoid all questions on the subject. I hate it when people miss understand me and therefore refuse to talk to me any further. But overall i cant complain, life is great.
Professors that can barely speak english...... Especially in classes that are difficult to begin with
Every time I go to Calc, I feel like a dumbass things don't make sense, numbers and variables appear out of thin air, and everything is far more complicated then it looks
Every time I go to Calc, I feel like a dumbass things don't make sense, numbers and variables appear out of thin air, and everything is far more complicated then it looks
Double posting. Damn I hate it. Also attending a programming class for a full year, and it's that bad, I know nothing. Literally nothing. And that isn't me, it's what we've been taught. It's specifically a game development course, and we've learned to make pie charts in java in 6 months.
Do you guys study outside of class? (Beyond the obvious homework?) By the way, Khan Academy is a great resource if you're having trouble with something at school. He screws some examples up sometimes but it's great if you want to learn an explanation. Also, I had a teacher similar to that in High School, Neoshadow. It wasn't a GameDev course but we barely learned anything beyond primitives and logic. We made a few applications but he literally read out of the book. If you're interested in programming, it really comes down to what you do out of school. Your class (even in college) will barely scratch the surface, and your degree won't mean **** if you don't have a portfolio. Expose yourself to programming, make yourself do it, even if you don't want to. If that means dual-booting a DIY Linux distribution and forcing yourself to build it when you aren't required to use Windows, then do it. Passion won't get you anywhere unfortunately. Edit: There a lot of helpful resources on YouTube but if you're feeling ambitious, enroll in something like Udacity, EdX or Coursera. They're completely free and great guidelines for out-of-the-classroom learning.