She was racing off at the start, commas and everything, but maybe it was overconfidence, maybe it was nihilism, she had admitted defeat against her own point before the end.
well my new, sick roomate snores, which left me with 3 and a half hours of sleep last night. had earplugs too >.> i think i just generally can't stand 95% of the western population for more than 4 hours at a time. I'm a lot more introverted than extroverted... so when roommates blast dubstep while I'm sitting quietly at my computer with earphones in... or if they blast GTA on my xbox and tv (which is located directly behind me) really loudly 90% of the time... or if they don't clean up their crap laying all over the room or ever empty the trash... yeah, it annoys me. I'll say hey man, can you not play dubstep (which is widely known to be disputable) so loudly or can you turn down the tv... what, you don't get the hint?? but friggin'-a i get frustrated over it. some people and their lack of integrity. the dude plays my xbox and my tv for marathons at a time (played it for 11 hours in one day)... I earned these things... ie paying $800+ bucks of my own, earned money for my gaming stuff (console, plasma tv, games, etc.). it's just annoying that someone could be so mindless and unappreciative. meh, i should learn to stick up for myself better. i swear every time i go to the doctors i have slightly high blood pressure and/or heart rate. In 10th grade i had some kind of blood pressure test (can't remember what, exactly) and the nurse said i was the skinniest kid she'd ever done this test on (she was like 40-50 yrs old, so she had to have done it on quite a few people). i dislike getting so uptight about stupid things which would probably be trivial to the average person
Sorry for saying this Erico, but you kinda sound like a little *****. If you actually tell him to stop, he'll stop.
This was absolute win. I laughed so hard. And yeh, Erico man, to put it in a slightly nicer tone than Mock, you should probably just say one day, "hey, can you please turn that down? It's a bit distracting while I'm trying to study, and I'd really appreciate it if you could give me a little time to get these done. Thank you for your consideration." Not condescendingly, of course. The nicer you are, the harder it will be for him to refuse your kind request. Still, a little bit of firmness never hurts. Plus, you could always be an utter ass and either put your games/controller away, or just completely disconnect the Xbox. And in the case of the blaring dubstep, a little bit of swift roundhousing to the back of the head never hurt, either.
I lived in a place where we sold right out of the dorm room. I understand your pain. But at the same time, whenever I even said, "out" everyone would shuffle out of my room. Understand that it's yours, and that you can do whatever the **** it is you want.
I've tried being nicer about it, but it rarely ever goes through that way. I gotta be way more firm, I admit, but I'm terrible at it. My main complaint, though, is how mindless someone can be. If you take a look around and see someone else doing the stuff that both of you should be doing, or if you're using other people's stuff in general, then just take some time to help or at least show some appreciation.. it should be common sense. What I'm getting at: it's frustrating that most adolescents/young adults have little to no integrity today, they'll often get side-tracked by what'll make them dominant or cool, or what'll get them in the sack. Just look at today's most popular music: 90% of it is about sex or being an asshat @Mock: I know i came off as complain-y, but it really isn't warranted that you can call someone a ***** in what is basically a bitching thread <.<
No, because that would make it "when there is nothing to ***** about" It's all in slang, and gangster talk... I was trying to look 'cool' and down with the kids. I hate it when I'm trying to look cool and some ***** calls me out. I hate confrontations. [br][/br]Edited by merge: lol also, vampire housemate just asked me: "Me and Robyn are going to watch an old version of Dracula if you're interested?" LOL... I told you she was a vampire.
Was shaving my head, got halfway through, and the batteries in my clippers ran out. So, I'm sitting here on my weekend, with a half shaved head, waiting for the clippers to recharge, and not able to do anything until I finish what I started because I look like a ****ing bantam chicken. FML.
I hadn't realized you replied to my lolbox post lolol. Spoiler SOON, MY FRIEND, SOON. BUY A COUPLE SYRINGES IN THE MEANTIME..... AND HORSE TRANQUILIZER
If the motherfucker who invented daylight savings time wasn't already dead, I'd totally scalp that motherfucker up in this hompy bompy. Hate DST, stupidest antiquated idea to be carried into the 21st century.