Vent Your Frustrations!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Xun, Jul 27, 2011.

  1. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Anyone else hate it when people take entirely too long to answer their cell? Like they need to read their whole screen before picking up?

  2. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Have you ever sat in a room with someone who has the "keyboard noises" turned on. It's like they're using a typewriter.
  3. TantricEcho

    TantricEcho Ancient
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  4. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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  5. TantricEcho

    TantricEcho Ancient
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    I know people who call controllers 'paddles'. Kid you not. It frustrates the hell out of me.

    I don't believe they are.
  6. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Why? Just why?
  7. GrenadeGorilla8

    GrenadeGorilla8 Forerunner
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    I know people like that. And call maps "boards" like its a monopoly board game.
  8. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    America's judicial system frustrates the hell out of me.
  9. Epic Tusk

    Epic Tusk Ancient
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  10. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Why must facebook be inhabited by people like this?
  11. TantricEcho

    TantricEcho Ancient
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    Wikipedia isn't a credible

    But seriously, that's kind of cool. I didn't know there were different types of controllers with different names.
  12. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    I feel you, man. What has happened to kids these days where they just expect things instead of earning them? Selfishness and ingratitude piss me off, the ****ing ungrateful little assholes should be lucky to get anything at all. I swear when I have kids, they're going to know the value of a dollar and learn to appreciate and to be thankful for anything gifted to them, even if it's not exactly what they wanted. **** the youths of today give me the shits...

    Also, woot! My thread still lives, baby! XD
  13. FrozenGoathead

    FrozenGoathead all i want is a CT that says mullosc
    Senior Member

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    Do you know what grinds my gears?!?!?!? That fat lady who can't decide what she's going get once she's in the front of the line.
  14. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    I cannot stand people who decide that the middle of a walkway in a busy shopping center is the best place to stop and have a conversation with their friends. For ****s sake, if you're going to stop and talk, stand to the side so people can get past, it isn't that hard. But instead, no, they stand there, causing mass traffic diversions and incidents where people going the opposite direction to each other decide to go around these idiots on the same side, resulting in them having to stop, let one or the other pass, and in the mean time everyone behind them has to stop. But the fools engaged in conversation are seemingly totally oblivious to this and continue flapping their lips.

    Go and die somewhere.
  15. GruntHunter

    GruntHunter Ancient
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    The moment you have a good idea for a map.......

    So you turn your xbox on to nothing but red rings.... -_-
  16. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    I hate when I piss on the floor because I forgot to anticipate the jet-stream of urine that was awaiting the release of the dam.
  17. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    "When I finally get into the supermarket, I often experience Shopping Cart Rage. This is caused by the people—and you just KNOW these are the same people who always drive in the left-hand lane—who routinely manage, by careful placement, to block the entire aisle with a single shopping cart. If we really want to keep illegal immigrants from entering the United States, we should employ Miami residents armed with shopping carts; we’d only need about two dozen to block the entire Mexican border..."

    -Dave Barry

    Your post INSTANTLY reminded me of this.

    Rest spoiler'd for lolz.

    If you do much driving on our nation’s highways, you’ve probably noticed that, more and more often, bullets are coming through your windshield. This is a common sign of Road Rage, which the opinion-makers in the news media have decided is a serious problem, currently ranking just behind global warming and several points ahead of Asia.

    How widespread is Road Rage? To answer that question, researchers for the National Institute of Traffic Safety recently did a study in which they drove on the interstate highway system in a specially equipped observation van. By the third day, they were deliberately running other motorists off the road.

    “These people are MORONS!” was their official repot.

    That is the main cause of Road Rage: the realization that many of your fellow motorists have the same brain structure as a cashew. The most common example, of course, is the motorists who feel a need to drive in the left-hand, or “passing,” lane, even though they are going slower than everybody else. Nobody knows why these motorists do this. Maybe they belong to some kind of religious cult that believes the right lane is sacred and must never come in direct contact with tires. Maybe one time, years ago, these motorists happened to be driving in the left lane when their favorite song came on the radio, so they’ve driven over there ever since, in hopes that the radio will play that song again.

    But whatever makes these people drive this way, there’s nothing you can do about it. You can honk at them, but it will have no effect. People have been honking at them for years: It’s a normal part of their environment. They’ve decided that, for some mysterious reason, wherever they drive, there is honking. They choose not to ponder this mystery any further, lest they overburden their cashews.

    I am very familiar with this problem, because I live and drive in Miami, which proudly bills itself as The Inappropriate-Lane-Driving Capital Of The World, a place where the left lane is thought of not so much as a thoroughfare as a public recreational area, where motorists feel free to stop, hold family reunions, barbecue pigs, play volleyball, etc. Compounding this problem is another common type of Miami motorist, the aggressive young male whose car has a sound system so powerful that the driver must go faster than the speed of sound at all times, because otherwise the nuclear bass notes emanating from his rear speakers will catch up to him and cause his head to explode.

    So the tiny minority of us Miami drivers who actually qualify as normal find ourselves constantly being trapped behind people drifting along on the interstate at the speed of deceased livestock, while at the same time we are being tailgated and occasionally bumped from behind by testosterone-deranged youths who got their driver training from watching the space-fighter battle scenes in Star Wars. And of course nobody EVER signals or yields, and people are CONSTANTLY cutting us off, and AFTER A WHILE WE START TO FEEL SOME RATE, OK? YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT, MISTER NEWS MEDIA OPINION-MAKER??

    In addition to Road Rage, I frequently experience Parking Lot Rage, which occurs when I pull into a crowded supermarket parking lot, and I see people get into their car, clearly ready to leave, so I stop my car and wait for them to vacate the spot, and…nothing happens! They just stay there! WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING IN THERE??!! COOKING DINNER???

    When I finally get into the supermarket, I often experience Shopping Cart Rage. This is caused by the people—and you just KNOW these are the same people who always drive in the left-hand lane—who routinely manage, by careful placement, to block the entire aisle with a single shopping cart. If we really want to keep illegal immigrants from entering the United States, we should employ Miami residents armed with shopping carts; we’d only need about two dozen to block the entire Mexican border.

    What makes the supermarket congestion even worse is that shoppers are taking longer and longer to decide what to buy, because every product in America now comes in an insane number of styles and sizes. For example, I recently went to the supermarket to get orange juice. For just one brand of orange juice, Tropicana, I had to decide whether I wanted Original, HomeStyle, Pulp Plus, Double Vitamin C, Grovestand, Calcium, or Old-Fashioned; I also had to decide whether I wanted the 16-ounce, 32-ounce, 64-ounce, 96-ounce, or six-pack size. This is WAY too many product choices. It caused me to experience Way Too Many Product Choices Rage. I would have called Tropicana and complained, but I probably would have wound up experiencing Automated Phone Answering System Rage (“…For questions about Pulp Plus in the 32-ounce size, press 23. For questions about Pulp Plus in the 64-ounce size, press 24. For questions about…”).

    My point is that there are many causes for rage in our modern world, and if we’re going to avoid unnecessary violence, we all need to “keep our cool.” So let’s try to be more considerate, OK? Otherwise I will kill you.
  18. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    When people post this:


    Nothing has ever motivated me enough to write that many "HA"s in one post. It seems to me only women or the occasional borderline guy can pull this off, too.

    I'm all for enjoying a good laugh, but really, this isn't necessary.
  19. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    The internet is so interesting. It keeps distracting me from things I should be doing.
  20. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Dude, I used to work in a supermarket, slightly different principle (fewer people, but smaller aisles so it kinda balances out) but it still annoyed the **** out of me. Monday - Thursday I worked closing shifts which was mostly fine, saw the last rush at around 7 but most people just wanted to get home at that point so this was rarely an issue. But on Friday I did a morning shift, and goddamn.

    I'm sympathetic to the fact that, for a decent amount of the old biddies that came in around 10-12, this was their main point of socialising with the other shop goers, and fair enough. Honestly I liked this shift overall. It was Friday and I was about to get a weekend, people were less rushed and more friendly, I even had quite a few of the regulars who I'd talk to whilst putting the stock out. But there were one or two women who would literally park up and chat in one spot for over an hour. Now this is a pretty small supermarket (oxymoron I know), even if you're doing a sizeable shop you're done in like half an hour max. When I tried to subtly hint that I was trying to put out stock that went behind them, or even that others were trying to get to items that they were blocking, they'd either stare daggers or just move about a foot then continue on. I'd ask as politely as I could for them to explicitly move, but it was an uphill struggle and they were the sort to ***** and moan to higher ups if they felt hard done by (managers were sympathetic to me but obviously couldn't just tell them to do one and had to play along).

    That job was actually pretty good. Not hard, good people, nice atmosphere the vast majority of the time, but it was **** like that which reminded me of the real downsides of a service/retail job: having to be nice, or at least deferential, to assholes.

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