Vent Your Frustrations!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Xun, Jul 27, 2011.

  1. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
    Senior Member

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    "Basic Maths Techniques"

    We're doing Algebra and Calculus! They are NOT basic
  2. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    I hate maths, but I'm surprisingly good at it. I can kinda do advanced stuff like trig and calc, but that was ages ago. I excel at percentages and fractions and all that bullshit. My head seems to work faster than a calculator, or at least my girlfriend when she's operating said calculator. Still, why the **** would you want to go into a field of work that had anything to do with maths? Algebra is freaking easy, but it's pointless. No one uses it when they finish high school. No one.

    Unless you're studying to be a maths teacher. :\
  3. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Last night:
    So, I'm talking to my girlfriend on Skype and we're just like lolling around and whatever. Anyway, my roommate comes back with some guy I've never met before (apparently his name was Nick), both totally wasted, we turn on the lights and he sleeps on the floor. I hear Nick throwing up at some points and went to check on him to make sure he was staying on his side, which he was. Anyway, so i keep talking to my girlfriend, and then I hear him mumbling loudly in his sleep and then unzipping his pants. I hear a "fwoooshhhhh" for a bit and then my roommate's like "NICK DONT PEE DONT PEE". So he stops, gets up, walks to my chair, and unloads for 1-2 minutes of strong steady pee, straight right onto my chair. And i'm here on my computer right next to him all like O.O...halp.... Anyway, after that I hear some more throwing up every now and again, keep checking that hes on his side. Eventually he gets into the bed with my roommate (? not sure whats up with that...), and I keep talking to my girlfriend, and then in the middle of a sentence I hear WUMP and he falls out of the bed and passes out on the floor, then farting (which I sincerely hope was just that...please...). Later in the night, he gets up randomly and just like leaves all awkwardly. I was thinking like "hes getting water or whatever, nbd", but no... apparently he sleep-walked all the way out of the dorm, across town to Denny's, bought food, ate it, came back to the dorm and found it locked, and fell asleep in his car. He somehow did all of this, still sleeping.

    The most frustrating thing? They don't remember ANY of this. I was just sober in the middle, watching it all happen. Also, what am I supposed to do with this chair...? o_O
    #383 Insane54, Nov 6, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2011
  4. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Yeah diffeq is basic, not calc.
  5. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Exchange it with your roommate's chair.

    I was nearly axe murdered today.
  6. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I was about to get hit by lightning today, but then an asteroid flew over me and almost shielded me from it. However, a humpback whale jumped out of the ocean (I was on a boat) and ate the asteroid so the humpback died from the lightning strike. But, then guts spilled all over the boat to the point where the boat began sinking from the weight of the guts. I then saw a passing flock of seagulls and remembered I brought my seagull call. So I called them over, they picked me up, and brought me home. Then as I stepped into my home I noticed in the corner of my eye that a serial killer was about to attack me, so I pulled out my baseball bat (you never know when one of those will come handy) and broke his wrist. I then knocked him out with the baseball bat and called the police. Three cop cars arrived, but can you believe it, they were all struck by lightning. The serial killer woke up and stabbed me in the achilles tendon. I fell straight to the floor. He stood over me, I nearly panicked, but then a car came flying through the side wall of the house, went straight over me, and hit him right in the chest. One moment he was there, then only blood remained. Well, in the end, I found out the serial killer was my long lost father, I learned I was actually adopted, and found out he had killed everyone in my family except for me and my mother. My mom being the one in the car who hit him.
    #386 Monolith, Nov 6, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2011
  7. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    Burn it and make Nick buy you a new one. Your girlfriend must have saw or at least heard it, so she's a witness and can attest to him doing it.

    Also, I hope your room mate is a girl, otherwise the situation of Nick climbing into roomies bed would be extremely suspect...
  8. Miraj

    Miraj Ancient
    Senior Member

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    What the **** is wrong with this world that we have to create a thread like this!!
  9. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    Oh, my naive friend, what isn't wrong with the world? If anything, there should be more threads like this.
  10. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Can't tell if sarcasm or serious..

    IF serious, I get what you're getting at, but it's pretty natural to have frustrations and want to voice them. I agree, sometimes you should just shudup and not let it aggravate you further. Could be worse though.
  11. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    My roommate is definitely a guy...

    I ended up switching it for an identical chair (albeit, not pissed upon) in the lounge. Not that it matters, but at the time my girlfriend was in the shower so she didn't hear it, haha
  12. Nick Taber

    Nick Taber Forerunner

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    There's a canker sore on the inside of my cheek... I keep poking at it with my tongue, but that's only making it worse.
  13. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The Cotton Alley levels on super meat boy.

    Holy ****. I can beat all the Halo games on legendary solo no problem, I can beat Halo 3 and Reach laso solo no problem, Dark Souls is tough but no problem, Trials HD no problem, Metroid games no problem.

    Difficulty isn't usually a problem.

  14. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
    Senior Member

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    never have enough weed to smoke.
  15. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    I can't decide If I want Halo Anniversary or GTA V more. I've been looking forward to both, but I only have enough to buy one or the other.
  16. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    Halo Anniversary is released in a few days, whereas GTAV is still in a TBA zone. My advice, get HCEA, then by the time GTA comes out you'll have enough money again. Simple.
    That's disturbing. I suppose you do the strangest things when you're wasted, though. And nice move with the chair, now it's someone elses problem. ;)
    I haven't even finished SMB yet, think I'm halfway through the dark levels of Hell. I should probably get around to finishing it, but my gaming time is being taken up by other games, and will be for a while. It was really just a purchase to play to kill time when I had nothing else to do.

    Also, GOD DAMN IT'S HOT. It's Spring here at the moment, but I can tell Summer is starting in December, because the temperature is rising drastically. Was only about 28-30C (82-86F) yesterday, but it was 36C (97F) on my way home from work this afternoon, and that is by far one of the cooler days of Summer in Australia. Average days get up to and over 44C (111F) when it's in full swing, but I'm just glad I don't have an outside job anymore. I think one day a few years ago when I had my previous job, it got up to 50C (122F). **** me, was it hot, I think I nearly passed out. Glad I had a Camelback full of water otherwise I just might have.
    #396 Xun, Nov 8, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2011
  17. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    I keep getting calls from random numbers with area codes nowhere near where I live. I've started blowing over the mic as encouragement for them to not call back. Does anyone else have good ideas?
  18. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Here's mine: if you're a Forerunner or Inheritor in Reach and you go into objective games in matchmaking with full teams of other forerunners and inheritors, and then either A) talk a bunch of **** versus the teams you will obviously stomp on, or B) ignore or hold the objective all game so you can rack up a bunch of cheap kills - **** you, motherfucker. You are the worst kind of sport and your mother should take away your XBox so you can concentrate on learning to be a better human being.

    Ah, that feels better.
  19. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Put your mic down and laugh at them for talking to themselves.
    #399 pyro, Nov 8, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2011
  20. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    Just answer the phone and put it back in your pocket (I'm assuming it's a mobile/cell phone) or if it's a home phone just leave it off the hook and walk away. Doesn't hurt you, and they're wasting their time by staying on the line. If it's a prank call then they're wasting their money, too. I've done this a few times when telemarketers kept constantly calling me, and after a few times, they gave up and haven't tried in a long time. Let's hope it stays that way.

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