europeans are the worst people in the world (except Estonians) I won't even capitalise europe I don't recognise it as a continent (bell end of Asia)
Cats, whats with your bushy, furry, warm bodies, i just want to snuggle and you have to claw me in the arm
I have nothing to vent, besides for the fact it's only 2 weeks into September and there is heat coming through mine.
When a girl tells you they care about you, but is with another man and doesn't want to leave that man even though that man treats her poorly.
might be a little harsh, but this truly changed my life 2 years ago: even though its a cartoon, it perfectly applied to my situation, it might yours too
Sort of. But not fully. I rather not go into it. I don't really like that I even mentioned it in this thread. but oh well.
I don't like when people try to relate to other peoples personal struggles, since there is no possible way of communicating it OR having the same experience. In other words, *****, this is about ME.
Yeah. Thanks yoyo. That's pretty much how I feel. Which, because of that, when ever I do vent and get "help" --it doesn't really help at all. Ironic, in a way.
Seriously Vorp, I'm not trying to relate to your situation, but I have been in a situation similar to this before. Best advice I can give is don't wait around for her to realise that she keeps making mistakes in her life. In the end, it's not going to be worth it. Move on with your life, find someone else, and be happy. You're not going to find happiness by waiting around for this chick to fall into your arms. It's the harsh truth, but it won't end happily ever after.
This is a really good comic and the people that nice guys think are jerks are actually guys that the girl finds engaging because they challenge her. A pushover waffly boyfriend is not interesting and nice guys are usually deceptive, clingy, manipulative, and patronizing, just as the comic illustrates. The worst thing you can do is be a whiny manipulative asshole instead of just making your intentions obvious.
i figured most people would figure that when youre on the "friends shelf" you're not coming off the friend shelf.