It's definitely more convenient to renew points/Live online, with all the different options and added offers on renewals, but if I'm out and stopping to grab something to eat and wanted to pick up some points it isn't any more or less expensive. They get charged the same for 1600 however you end up picking them up, around here at least.
I'm fairly certain that I saw a 12 month renewal card in EB for about $88, but online I think it only costs $79 usually. I could be wrong, but I honestly couldn't be arsed trying to find out at the moment. Now, my vent for the day. I'll have to think for a minute, not much is pissing me off lately... I could say something about all the awesome games coming out around this time of the year, sucking my wallet dry, but this always happens. I will say something about Gears of War 3, however. I'm honestly not fussed on it. I liked the first one, and played all the way to the last level on number two, but never ended up finishing it. Don't know why, but I just lost interest and traded it in. The multiplayer didn't interest me either, so there was no reason to hang onto it. And now number three is due out in less than a week, I believe, and I'm not jumping on the bandwagon. Not going to buy it now, and probably won't end up buying it at all when it's cheaper. Not that this is really a vent, more of an honest thought. The vent part is more for, when I tell people I'm not going to get it, they act all surprised and upset like I've killed their cat ("because I thought it would bring closure to our relationship"). Honestly, why would you give so much of a **** that I don't want to buy it? Not like it's going to hurt you or stop you from enjoying the game in any way. Accept it and move forward amicably, for ****s sake. I don't chastise you for wanting to play the game, so don't do the same to me for not wanting to play it.
Dude, Gears 3 is going to be the best ****ing game ever in the history of history. Why the **** are you not buying it? [/troll] On srsly note, people who have been on this planet long enough to be considered a grown man/woman and yet choose to act like a ****ing child 24/7 thinking the world revolves around them. For the love of god, have some dignity people!
Something like that. Well the beta was really good anyway. Know where you're coming from Xun, the multiplayer has been less than appealing for myself in the last couple games, but i would seriously consider giving this one a try if you hadn't a chance to play the beta. They really nailed it this time.
Nah, just not interested at all. I actually gave one of my friends my copy of number one because I got over it a long time ago and he wanted to play it. He offered me money but I refused. Although some of the new things in it like the new Horde mode sound interesting, its just not enough to make me want to get it. :\
Every time I play magic, I am either ****ing land flooded or ****ed. I either end the game with seventeen land cards a goddamn pure-red dragon deck, or all of the epic "you win" cards and two lands.
That's frustrating, but there's not a damn thing you can do about it, unless you build the 'zero-drop' deck. Everyone experiences As for my daily vent: old people driving. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. We need to make it mandatory for the elderly to take an offensive driving course when they reach a certain age.
I hate it when i'm tired and i don't want to do anything besides sleep but then realize i have 4 classes to go to
I hate getting out of bed in the morning to have to go to work. I wish I had the ability to stop time just before my alarm went off so I could sleep as long as I needed, then wake up when I'm good and ready and go to work instead of being half-awake while driving there. Sometimes I wish I worked nights. One of my friends does and he has the whole day to do whatever he wants. Only downside is you can't do anything on weeknights, especially Friday, when everyone's keen to hang out or something. Summary; working life sucks, any way you look at it.
I'm sure there are downsides to working at awesome places, even Bungie... working late hours, for instance. Crunch time. Running out of steak...
Tl;dr. Basically, the jist of what was said in that was no one should work because it's bad for us. Work is bad for us, but we need work to survive. I don't mind the actual work, just the part about getting up so early. I'm a recovering insomniac and I still have tendencies to stay up later than I actually should, so starting at 6am isn't really an ideal lifestyle for me when I tend to go to bed after midnight. Regularly. Sure, the solution to this is to go to bed earlier, but who the **** wants to go to bed at 10pm? I'm not even tired then! GET OFF MY ****ING BACK, MAN!! Sorry...
I just bit my tongue whilst eating dinner. It ****ing hurt. I hate when that happens. Stupid tongue, why can't you be made of a denser material than flesh? Blood is not a good seasoning, by the way.
it tastes better when you add salt. Lots of salt. I hate when you cook bacon, but it doesn't cook evenly and some of it is undercooked while some is overcooked.
My ****ing mother had the flu. She coughed up a storm and she had her bedroom door open... I had to walk right past it into my own room. Guess who is sick now. >.>