I wish I understood the American high school system. It's a shitload more complicated than the Irish one, that's for sure.
dropout? I got letters from colleges last year trying to convince me to skip senior year. My school allows people to graduate a year early.
Is the Irish one like the French one? Haha, but I seriously know more about the french one than the American one.
Why do people think they can say whatever they want on the internet? Is it ,because they are full of shame and think they are safe since they are behind a computer screen, and tv? Do they have no respect for another human being and why do people criticize on another based on what that respective person says on the internet? Also why are rules not explained thoroughly enough, clarity please? I get in trouble for doing what i am not supposed to do, because when i review any rules sometimes they are not explained clearly enough. When people try to defend themselves why are they accused as being a liar by higher powers? Most importantly, why are too many of my favorite games coming out in November all at once! Why is all the bad **** happening now(earthequake, hurricane, etc.)!!!?? O MY ****ING GOD(yes i am roman catholic) I WANNA GO ON A KILLING RAMPAGE AND EXPECT TO DIE IN A HAIL OF BULLETS AND NOT DIE UNTIL THE LAST BULLET HITS ME!!!!!I EXPECT TO DIE LIKE CANNONFODDER FOR THE THINGS I BELIEVE IN!!!!!! That is all.....
You can also transfer to even better schools once you do good in the community colleges or "decent" colleges.
Because for a little while longer, they can. And its the best part about it; anonymity means complete honesty can come without having to fear for the way people look at you.
Yeah i guess your right i guess that is how the interenet pretty much runs... Still there are people who just don't stop and i just wanna find them and kill theme. Besides that your right, you made me feel better =).
Why did American producers remake that Wilfred show? It was originally Australian, but it was **** when it was Australian, and its still **** now. Why prolong the shitness? It maek nosens.
I hate when you're "debating" with someone, but their counter argument is the same thing over and over, even if you've already denounced it simply because they don't get it.
That's scary. Honestly, don't say that. I hate it when the lawnmower breaks down when I'm halfway done with the lawn.
Like i said in another thread im without power because of irene allow me to rage real quick: WHAT THE **** NATIONAL GRID!!!!! YOU STUPID SHITS WHY THE **** WERENT YOU PREPARED FOR A TROPICAL STORM!!!! I just got my xbox back and then this **** happens. And now youre telling me we wont have power until THE ****ING WEEKEND! BULLSHIT! YOU WERE BUSY GIVING POWER TO A FOOTBALL STADIUM!!!! Oh yeah also ALL the food in the fridge is spoild and my ****ing beers are warm! You stupid **** executives always pissing on everybody for another vacation **** you!!! Society will only take a little wrong to get pissed off keep this bullshit up see what happens!!!! Whew. See you guys on the weekend
How are you on your computer if you have no power? *furrows brow in confusion* Elijah may be a decent actor, but he can't make up for the lameness the show exudes. Im sorry, this is just my opinion. I think it sucks, but if you like it, by all means, watch it. I just don't choose to, that's all.