
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Vampir Krieger, Jul 21, 2009.

  1. Vampir Krieger

    Vampir Krieger Ancient
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    Download Map Here: : Halo 3 File Details

    Download Game Variant Here: : Halo 3 File Details

    A few words about the map:
    This is the first map I've posted here, so please excuse me if the format is crummy. I had been wanting to build an infection map that was not on Sandbox, so I thought: Why not make one on Orbital, the eerily silent Space Tether...

    This map takes place around the chasm part of the map (the chasm is where you can fall to your death). The map is separated into four different areas: Cargo Hold, Barricade Room, Central Area, and Zombie Tunnel.

    The Cargo Hold is the biggest portion of the map, and is filled with crates, and NO- they are not randomly placed- they from walls and a few form pillars, which serve to block the view of the humans and make good cover for zombies.

    The Cargo Hold:

    Another View of the Cargo Hold:

    "The Window Alley" (which is behind the cargo hold):

    The map also features an indestructable barricade that is purely aesthetic. It will not let people through, and offers an interesting way to start the round. At the beginning of every round, some fusion coils will explode behind it, and the barricade will take on a burnt and destroyed appearance, but will remain intact. This explosion has significance in the backstory to this map, it signifies the point at which the zombies have breached the cargo hold, and the humans' last stand begins.

    Before the blast:

    During the blast:

    After the blast:

    The Barricade Room is one of the entry areas for the zombies. It features a large destructible barricade that the zombies can easily break and jump over.

    The Barricade Room:
    Please note that the barricade in the above screenshot has already broken.

    The central area connects the cargo hold to the barricade room...

    The Central Area (area above the chasm)

    The zombie tunnel is another entrance for zombies.

    Zombie Tunnel

    A possible explanation for the zombie phenomenon encountered in the Quito Space Tether is this mysterious crate, whose contents are not known.
    Interestingly, this crate turned slightly green when it was placed here, earning it the nickname: Zombie Crate.

    Some Action Shots:
    A zombie breaking the barricade...

    Attempting to fight off the undead. (unsuccesfully for the hayabusa dude)

    Covered in blood, the last man standing takes a last stand!

    Download Map Here: : Halo 3 File Details

    Download Game Variant Here: : Halo 3 File Details

    Here is a sample round viewed using a rendered film from my fileshare: : Halo 3 File Details
    #1 Vampir Krieger, Jul 21, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2009
  2. Xang

    Xang Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey dude, and welcome to ForgeHub, first off map sounds pretty cool, also your pics dont work. Here is a guide on getting your screenshots right, better fix it soon.
  3. Vampir Krieger

    Vampir Krieger Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks. That's weird, it worked a minute ago.
  4. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yah hey here is a guid to posting screenshots link or you can go prefered and click on the pic you want then go down to the IMG code and copy it then paste it
  5. Vampir Krieger

    Vampir Krieger Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok... That should do it. It is fixed!
  6. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    ok i see you got pics up. On to the map. this map is really fun and really well thought out and exacuted i loved every moment of testing it w you the idea is great (classic zombies) and plays swimmingly i have no complaints with it all in my opinion it is flaw less as is the game. Just about the best orbital map ive seen so far because none of it is random every piece of it was well thought out on how it would affect gameplay and it really does make it something to remember 5/5 fo sho
  7. Vampir Krieger

    Vampir Krieger Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks man... I spent a lot of time tailoring the game and map so that the slow zombies works well. And "swimmingly"?
  8. CanadianHeadshot

    Senior Member

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    Gah, I had a nice long review of this map and accidentally refreshed the page. So excuse me if this isn't the most in-depth.

    It's a nice map that gives a feel of the humans being screwed and just trying to prolong that screwing for as long as possible.

    The barricades work nicely enough and the zombies are pretty well balanced. It's a great game for your friends once or twice in awhile.

    Keep up the good work.

    EDIT: Alright, I have the review I originally meant to post.

    Vengeance is a different map in many senses. First and most obviously, it provides some rather shocking insight that in order for a Infection map to be fun it doesn't have to have the word "Sand" in it's base map. Orbital provides a set atmosphere that works nicely for infection, especially for this gametype. You see, in this map your character (if you start as a human) will start in one of the holdout areas that the author has described and showed to you. Your objective here is to survive, as in most zombie maps. But what's different about Vengeance is that instead of those barricades that are set-up aren't the types of barricades you'd normally expect to see in a zombie map. Instead of these barricades serving as an offensive means to destroy the zombies and rack up a high kill count, these barricades actually work against the humans, you really feel like those barricades were set-up by the humans as a last ditch effort to survive the horde, which isn't a knock on the quality of the barricades, they're actually quite strong, just they feel shoddy, in a good way. You get the idea of Dead Space mostly due to the fact it takes place in a space station.

    Also, I can vouch for the author when he said the crates aren't randomly placed. They've had a lot of thought put into their layout and play quite nicely. They work for both sides, it allows the environment to be neutral in this whole conflict, which isn't something most other maps achieve. The crates are positioned expertly, they can either be placed conveniently for the zombies and offer them protection from a clip of auto-rounds, or they can be just in the way of zombie as he lunges out to destroy the human, which gives the human enough time to counter-attack and survive to face another zombie. It's a fun experience, and neither side is too unfair, the humans and zombies are balanced to each other's weaknesses, which makes the rounds short and sweet.

    Vengeance is a map that works well and will give you and your friends a good time once or twice, hell maybe three times, every now and then.

    Good job! I eagerly await you're next map.
    #8 CanadianHeadshot, Jul 22, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2009

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