Vending Machine

Discussion in 'Reach Aesthetic Maps' started by Edens Elite, Dec 22, 2010.

  1. Edens Elite

    Edens Elite Forerunner

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    A Simple vending machine, You throw a grenade in the hole at the top and a sniper drops out of the bottom. : Halo Reach : File Details



    made primarily to help forgers think "outside the box" and perhaps try alternative methods to think of new ideas.

    How to make.

    The basics of it is...

    -you create a tube to control the direction of where the weapon flies off too
    -Create a hole at the top and bottom for the grenade and weapon
    -Place a explosive (I used 2 fusion coils) to block off part of the tube
    -Place weapon on top of explosive

    That's basically it, i fancied mine up a bit by using...

    -A weapon of what comes out, and a glass cover on the front, The explosion from the coils also it on the same level, purely for aesthetic purposes
    -A corner wall and man cannon combo at the bottom of the "Vendor" to make sure the weapon does not get stuck
    -A capture plate slightly above the weapon to make sure the weapon does not fly upwards and get stuck up there and also to make sure the 'nade doesn't fall through a gap and not blow up the coils.
    -I have no idea how but somehow using a combo of a one way door man-cannon and a capture plate somehow made the weapon float at the bottom?

    Please Download & Comment :)

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