Vendetta is a cross between Halo 2's 'Coagulation' and Halo 3's 'Valhalla', it was made for the purpose of team objective/big team games, and aims to bring the familiarity of those maps to Halo Reach. Veteran players of Halo 3 will feel very at home with the layout of the map, styling of the bases, and vehicle options. Sized down to about half the size of Valhalla, Vendetta does not aim to be a remake of any kind of Valhalla. It is more in fact a re-imagining of the Halo 3 experience with very similar base setups and even a smaller version of the 'Splaser Hill' from Valhalla. Red and Blue Base respectively An overview of Vendetta Vendetta plays very smoothly on Capture the Flag, with teleporters in each base reminiscent of Coagulation, getting a flag out of the base and moving is a much-easier experience than the ten-minute epics of flag steal attempts on Hemorrhage. Relative to Red Base, to the left is a segmented cave system on a rise with a machine gun turret, the Red Teleporter (both base's teleporters are located on the bottom floor of each base) takes you to the base of this rise, while the blue mancannon takes you to the base on the other side. To the right of Red Base is a rock quarry with a neutral Ghost. Vehicles have very limited movement in this area, and is ideal for one who prefers to keep his or her metaphoric boots on the ground. With plenty of cover from rock-to-rock, this spot can prove quite useful for one with a Sniper Rifle (they both spawn on the upper level of each base, directly in front of a majority of each base's initial spawn points, they're hard to miss) as only the Wraiths or a Banshee will pose a serious threat to you. The Blue teleporter will take you into the Quarry while the Red mancannon will shoot you to its respective end of this area. Included at each base are: DMR x2 AR x1 Plasma Repeater x1 Plasma Pistol x2 Needler x1 Spiker x1 Sniper Rifle x1 (two-minute spawn time with one spare clip) Needle Rifle x1 Shotgun x1 (located on the bottom floor, next to the teleporter) Drop Shield x1 (on a standard 30-second spawning interval) Mongoose x2 Standard Warthog x1 (to the left of each base, with 90-second spawn times) Banshee x1 (directly behind each base, with a three-minute spawn time) Wraith x1 (to the right of each base, with a two and a half-minute spawn time) A Banshee fight Vehicle combat near 'Laser Hill' A shot of Red Base from the ground I hope you all can have fun on Vendetta, and that it brings back that Halo 3 familiarity for you all. Maybe we'll see it in today's TGIF, who knows, have a good one everybody. Also, my good friend Nikatorus always tells me that 'a map isn't complete until there is a cone on it'. So, in honor of him I challenge you all to find the 'hidden cone' on the map, without editing preferably (don't worry, it's in the actual map).
Look great, I love the details put in, but I would try to build something that can make this a lot cooler like a rock bridge in the middle, so you can have a under pass or over pass. Just a thought, but i do truly recommend this. lol
Thanks for the suggestion. I've seen maps that try to span a bridge from one place to another, and more-often-than-not it has been in the type of map that has just had a few 3-story towers connected by a TON of bridges. I'm all out of rocks for one hahaha but yeah, I put gameplay and function before aesthetic on this map. The primary reason I wouldn't add something like that is because in terms of vehicle combat, it could potentially break the flow of the map. Vehicles would have a tougher time maneuvering through the center of the map. If you mean a bridge from the quarry to the tunnel overhang, I'd have to say that the bridge would be entirely too long, and it would be much too difficult for me to weight incentives on the bridge and give a player a reason to actually want to cross it. Bridges are very tricky things with level design, as you don't want to make a map centering around a ton of them. Players have to have a reason to want to put themselves on something as linear as a bridge when they could just stick to the ground around it. Again, thanks for the suggestion, keep them coming.
I remember playing on this for mere seconds, but it looked good then. I hope that the killzones inside the bottom bases have been removed lol. This is definitely worth a DL, nice job!
Yeah haha those were fixed right quick, it became my first priority when I found out about it. Turns out, it wasn't a kill zone at all, my safe zone made the puddles in the canyon glitch out and kill anybody who entered them haha... It was resolved, although I'm STILL not sure what causes it.
You've given the Blood Gulch maps exactly what they needed. You've put everything good from Valhalla and Coagulation, and then mixed them together with your own idea, and near-perfection came of it. Very creative and original bases, despite that they seem very simple. This has to be one of the best BTB maps I've ever played, though I'm not a huge fan of BTB maps. I loved playing on this and will definitely get more games in soon. I like how you've given the movement options of both teleporters and mancannons. That really helps give variety to the gameplay. 9.2/10
Wow, I feel honored to get a review like that. Really, thanks a lot. My main concern with maps like Hemorrhage had to be the sheer size of them, and that in BTB just getting to the other base becomes pretty boring and dull after the first five or so minutes. I wanted to make a BTB map where you'd always be part of the action. That's what I loved the most in Halo 3.
Thanks to the cliffs in Valhalla, gameplay did not get dull. Surprisingly, you did not take that idea yet the gameplay still feels different, even if just slightly, every time.
I figured with the space I had in the canyon, it would be way too hard to physically fit the cliffs in and include the rest of the map as well, so I settled for the rock section in Coagulation as a suitable fill-in.