Vend-A-Snipe Vend-A-Snipe is a sequel to my previous Vend-A-Turret map which can be found here. So this map is simply what the title implies, it vends you a sniper activated by you grabbing the custom power-up. Here are the pictures. A nice little spawn room for ya And the sniper comes right out of that hole.. Simply grab the power up.. And out your sniper comes A fusion coil is lodged in between the bridge... And it falls directly on the fusion coils below destroying the grav lift It uses the min/max switch, so when you you blow the grav lift via fusion coils, the other simply spawns that thrusts the sniper through the hole and there ya go. Thank you for taking the time to view my thread. And I'd like to here some feedback if you like it=) Download Here
Thats so awesome and halarious! I think this one is better than vend a turret because this acually looks like a real vending machine. Press the button and out it comes. Great idea and would like to see many switches in the future and toatal download for me. 1000000/1000000
You should incorporate this into an infection or competive map. Has this switch already been done? It seems pretty unique. Nice job. That high? You didn't even download it? Nobody has downloaded it yet you hypocrite! Harsh, of course not.
Thanks, I would incorporate this but I'm pretty bad at making it's up for grabs for anyone
Uhhh, going in my sig. Now. Last time I checked, switch maps as simple as this don't need to be downloaded to give a review. And I hope that you didn't say the review was high because he gave a 100000/100000, because that is equal to a 5/5, and I believe that is a reasonable rating for this switch. Although I don't completely agree with it. All this is is a small twist on something that is very very old. From seeing the map right now, the only thing that I would take points off of for this is originality, because the switch's components are very easy to hide and it would be very easy to incorporate this into gameplay, however it is nothing new at all. A simple RTM switch re-purposed for weapon dispensing. 4/5
I believe this is the same as the vend a turret right? I could be wrong, never downloaded it. I kind of have an idea that would involve using a few of these switches spread around a map and people have to use them to get ammo.... I don't know if that would work though seeing as how if you killed 1 lift you would spawn them all sooo, yeah... Good map. 5/5 Can I ask why there is a shield door there? I'm downloading and using it in a map...
Nice. I DLed Vend a Turret back in the day, and I liked that map. I always enjoy switch maps. This one looks pretty well forged. I like the idea that you get a sniper now! I will DL and check it out. If I ever need help with a switch, I know who to ask. Great job!
mainly so that you cant destroy the grav lift.....I'd put it on instant but that would mess up the min/max completely.