Forged and Designed by JAYclash DOWNLOAD Max Party size 2-4 Recommended Gametypes -Faceoff Slayer -Velv 1 Flag -Faceoff King Velvet is made and designed for the Lazy Mapmakers Contest #3, so therefor it has no Interlocking, no Geo-merging and is under budget. Tex the founder of the LMC, had a goal of proving that you don't need to use all of the advanced forging techniques to be a good forger or to just make a fun map. I feel as though I have full filled such a task. Velvet plays as if it has been interlocked, the gameplay is like Jesus' twin brother and not to mention, the aesthetics are pretty good too. I was rather proud of my last LMC map, however it didn't go so well due to a few bad spawns. Just before I started to design Velvet in sketch up I read Devinish's spawn guide again. This time I understood it and I aced the spawns after a day of testing. Of course there is still very minor spawn issues, but it's not too big of an issue. If you didn't catch that in the paragraph above, I used google sketch up to design parts of the map. I hardly ever design the whole map because I always end up changing it to suit Halo 3, not google sketch up. This design has changed. Pictures Overview from the defenders base Looking from Blue to the Attackers Base A 90o turn to the right An overview from Attackers Hall An overview of the truck pit Sniper Spawn Rocket Spawn An overview of Blue Overview of the new Attackers Base Gametypes: Supports all Gametypes but I recommend -Faceoff Slayer -Velv 1 Flag -Faceoff King -Faceoff Ball -Velv 1 Bomb -Velv 3 Plots -Faceoff VIP Weapons Weapon - How many on map - How many clips - spawn time Battle Rifle - X6 - 30s Carbine - X3 - 120s Active Camo - X1 - 120s Sniper Rifle - X1 - 1 Spare clip - 150s Rocket Launcher - X1 - 0 Spare clips - 180s Regenerator - X1 - 120s Power Drain - X1 - 90s Plasma Rifle - X2 - 90s Magnum - X1 - 30s SMG - X2 - 30s Spiker - X2 - 45s Needler - X1 - 90s Frag Grenades - X2 - 10s Plasma Grenades - X5 - 30s Helpers Listed as XBL names. Vorpal Saint: You helped me test for two hours straight when you could of been doing other things. You helped me with testing and weapon placement. Thank you =D. Testers: In Ranking Vorpal Saint Ivory Snake thesilencebroken Linubidix COMMANDERMATT1 Smeagleton goatnutts420 Adelyss Ganondorf II teh mastar Paulie Walnuttz Thank you =D DOWNLOAD
Very nice map, I like it alot. I could never of done a map of this giantness epicness, (not that epic, butt..)without using interlocking. I think you did a very nice job with the aesthetics, and really made everything flow throughout the map. I will DL and try out.
Hey, hey! Glad to see this finally posted J A Y. I love your map a lot. When I first set foot on it I had no idea that it was for the LMC #3. Not until about half way into testing. This is a very well forged map and it plays like a charm. I think the thing I like most about it is what you didn't actually show in the pictures... which people will see if/when they download. Oh, and I wont spoil it for them. Since I know it's epic-win. So when I say to DOWNLOAD THIS FREAKING MAP BECAUSE IT IS AWESOME... you better listen to me! Oh, and a side note, needs more interlocking. But 5/5 anyways.
This map played really well in all the games that I played. It was a blast the whole time, but mainly because my team kept raping. Great map, I didnt even stop once to think needz more interlockz. 5/5 for the gameplay, truly a good map.
looks pretty good. it looks really open on the ground level. its porb. going to win the LMC & featured like 100 times cuz ur loyal. ... ... ... anyway, i dont like how it looks in someplaces like the two forklifts ontop of eachother. i also think that the floating camo is wierd. are the curved bridges touching the ground? theres also a lock of cover. ill give it a 3.5/5 EDIT: the spawns on the weapons are also really long. whats with that? EDIT 2 *important*--- i played the map and i think the weapon spawns were pretty bad. but the more important thing was that its ESCAPEABLE. heres a link to the vid of me getting out. it wasnt hard at all. sorry dude who made the map. and i swear to buddha that i didnt put the gravity lower. this was in forge with no enhancements. if any one doubts me i will be glad to prove them wrong my self.
Ill let you know solo that the map is not open at all. It has the perfect balance between cover and open ground IMO. The bridges are not touching the ground if I can remember and you can crouch under them.
Just because he is a loyal, doesn't mean that the map will win or be featured 100 times over. It only means that a loyal member made a map. Not EVERY color member are good map makers. I don't see why people can't get that through their heads. /rant. PLAY the map before you rate it. EDIT: Also, the camo isn't floating, it's just raised a tad off the bridge it's on.
this is coming from the staff. thats like the dictator saying his goverment is perfect. i qued it. i would play it but its late where i am. i promise ill play it tomoro and edit my post. so its not floating, its just not touching the ground. /oxymoron
Even if I wasn't staff, what I said is true. That's a start. Next time you rate a map, you should do it AFTER you play it. No matter how long it takes you. I'm not even going to go into the details about it... Anyways, J A Y --great map, and sorry for taking up space in your thread.
I love how you barely used any box floors so as to get rid of the bumpy walking problem. Downloading now.
Thats all? It's just experience, the first layout took me 3 hours to make, then testing and editing was on and off for a few weeks. Thanks! It plays twice as better as to when you last played it. Thanks for the testing session =D There is only on forklift, I believe it was destroyed and the top of the forklift came off. The camo is on the end of the ledge, one weapon holder high. And no, the curved bridges aren't touching the ground, I did this for a abstract feel. Trust me.... The weapons are on long respawns because there isn't all that much cover, if the sniper or rocket were to be on shorter respawn the gameplay would suck. I have tested this map a lot and I think I know what plays best on it. Yes... You can just crouch under them.
Awesome map!It looks like the gameplay works very good and I love how you put the fence walls into a square and put the dumpsters inside em anyway 5/5 map I would tell you something you could add but its pretty much perfect.
this map is the definition of 1337, amazing asthetics and complex gameplay (i assume). this is just one of those maps you can tell is epic from just looking at it! 5/5
Wow, for a map with now interlocking this looks great. The thought of gameplay is very good with sufficient cover and balanced multi-leveled structures. I have went around this map and this is the best non-interlocked map I have seen. Good job. I loved the bridge arc.
when i first saw the map, i have to be honest, i hated the bridge structure thats like half a dome. I never liked how they looked, in any map. However, the structure was definately useful in the games i was in. It served as a wonderful watch post for the defending team. I definately think the map is geared towards capture the flag games, and 2v2. I really enjoyed what games i did get to play, and i whooped on Ivory Im starting to see that maps usually turn out better gameplay-wise when the user doesnt interlock alot. I dont mean maps are better without it, but i think you take more time to think about the maps layout when you've got to worry about that. Great map man A-
Thanks a lot tsb. The curved bridges was in my last LMC map and for some reason I like it, and yes I specifically put it in that exact spot to fix line of sight and just plain cover. EDIT: another good thing about using bridges were because they provide no bump. Indeed the map does play best in 2v2 1 flag. That game we played the other day was intense. EDIT: Velvet has been updated. If you would like the new version, please download it again =D
I'm amazed for the fact when I helped test it; I thought everything was interlocked because everything was so smooth and clean with no bumps from what I can tell. I didn't know this map was made for the LMC contest until I clicked on this thread. If this map is going to be the standard for the LMC contest then it's going to be a very hard contest and I can't wait to see the other entries. Even though there is no interlocking on the map (from what I saw) Everything was placed perfect with no bumps when walking over the walls and connecting areas. The Gameplay for it is solid and fun. When playing it I had a lot of fun playing capture the flag along with king of the hill with both gametypes seemed to play very well on the map. I'm still amazed that there is no interlocking on the map because it played so well and I don't think I've played a map quite like it before.
I didn't even know the map wasn't interlocked not only while I was reading it (I skim through posts to see the pics lol) and I didn't figure it out until I read this post again. The map is ever so smooth that you couldn't tell it wasn't interlocked. I played through it in FFA with some friends and they couldn't tell that the map wasn't interlocked. This one is a keeper, and definitely deserves a place in the LMC. The gameplay on it is superb, keeping pace with 6 player FFA and also 2v2-3v3. This map is overall great for something that required no interlocking whatsoever. 10/10