This is a medium sized map created in the colesseum for the original roof and walls.I have made this map for competitive play primarily 4v4 flag and slayer.There are horizontal cannons that quickly take you from one base to the other.This is my first map that i prioritized aesthetics as high as gameplay.I think the gameplay is fast paced and there are many options for routes around the map. Weapons list: 8 DMR's 2 spare clips 30 sec respawn 1 Grenade launcher 2 spare clips 30 sec respawn 2 Concussion rifles 1 spare clip 30 sec respawn
Hello, I like this map a lot. Its got a really nice lay out, perfect size for 4 vs 4 . And has some nice aesthetic touches. The lift is really cool and there are two as it is a symmetrical map. I am suprised you havent mentioned the lifts as they are a great feature of the map and I have not seen used before. Great map. Was an instant dl as soon as u put it out. I would add weapon list if possible , to help get more interest.
I havent seen a framerate issue.But in places due to the lights if you have multiple players it will be negatively impacted.
There is no frame lag on this map the previous comment by Nokyard is incorrect he hasnt even played the map.This map plays flag and ffa really well.I have 6 new maps that i will be posting soon
Include pictures of the llifts, they really make this map stand out. Also, weapon placement is good, but maybe include more ammo for DMR's. The aesthetics are nice, but I think they make frame rate drop at times.
Don't get me wrong, i love this map and was going to consider submitting it to the Community Cartographers. Unfortunately it did not perform well in 2 Player split screen and if you played as an Elite you could potentially get stuck in the lower transports. Argue all you like but any map with lights, and high object density, and an exhausted budget, will never see a Matchmaking playlist.
frame rate has never been an issue with this map. why give us lights in forge if we cant use them.... the horisontal man cannons are so smooth and the first I"d seen in forge.. this map both looks right and plays well.... it has a great competitive lay and nice aesthetics and use of both light and the colousseum.