YouTube - how about no! You really should make it limited though. People would likely just daisy-chain their way to the goal if they could. By adding a specific limit to Armor Lock, you prevent the game from becoming monotonously slow, and you give people a reason to use teamwork, tactics and coordination to best their opponents.
Hahahaha. Obviously you didn't read the post. If there was no way to kill, then players could walk right up to the hole and fire unopposed.
Wow I wasn't expecting a bump. Anyways, armor lock is out. There are currently two classes to choose from, evade or sprint. I've added a half circular death barrier, somemore aesthetics and a cooler loadout camera. I'm thinking about adding a jetpack loadout. I'll definitely be testing this tonight.
have you thought about putting shield doors across the center of the map to make cross map shots IMPOSSIBLE? cuz u know someone is gonna get REALLY good and be able to hit shots from anywhere