Vehicle Vendor

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by Evil xBLaDeZ, Jul 8, 2010.

  1. Evil xBLaDeZ

    Evil xBLaDeZ Forerunner

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    Map Title: Vehicle Vendor
    RB Switch Vehicle Vendor

    Download Map

    Hello there all who are reading this, i am new here at Forge Hub and this is my first Switch, i was a Halo 3 Artificer prior to using Forge Hub. Unfortunatley the site has been closed down due to funding problems, so i am here to show you all my great switches from H3A.
    First of this an RB Switch this (in pincable) is a ghost suspended in the air so it can be flipped freely, this, in turn Knocks a fusion coil into a Man Cannon activating the switch.
    I feel switches are most important in a map because the immerse the player more into the experience of the game as they feel the have helped the team out or themselves this gives them the sence of accomplishment.
    Here are some screenshots with Headders and short desciptions benieth of what is going on in the screenshot.

    Here is a complete Overlook of the asthetics of the switch.

    The Selection
    After approaching the switch you are met with a choice to help yourself or help your team, to choose a Chopper or to choose the Warthog.

    The Switch
    After making your decision you can approach the wall infront of the vehicle you wish to vend and flip the Ghost.

    Inner Workings
    How the switch actually works behind the scenes

    After "flipping"
    This is the inside of the switch after flipping the Ghost it will roll the fusion coil into
    the Man Cannon

    It should be noted that this witch takes 10seconds to activate, so if you activate the switch before 10 second it will do nothing and just reset!

    The Collision
    This is a very special switch took 2-3 hours to perfect the fusion coil explodes on impact with the fence box which you may think would set off the other vehicle vendor, but you would be wrong as i have perfected that with a central block and a second shield door that only the vibration activates the switch NOT the explosion, which is expelled away

    The Vend
    The Vehicle that you chose will then be bounced out of its cage to fall next to you. (I have chosen the chopper for display purposes.)

    The Happy Player
    You should now have the vehicle of your choice, Happy Vending

    Also Thanks to Ching Chong Kid who did build the top half, barriers and switch perfecting were done by me

    Hope you have enjoyed this switch, Please rate and comment, any construtive critisizm is appreticated

    Thanks BLaDeZ

    And heres the link to download if you missed it Download Map
    #1 Evil xBLaDeZ, Jul 8, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2010
  2. pwnthezombie

    pwnthezombie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Didn't Ching Chong Kid make this before? (h3artificersss)
  3. zx Apollyon xz

    zx Apollyon xz Forerunner

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    Yeah... I must say it is really cool, but I think someone else did indeed make this first. Good job though.
  4. LRMAN0989

    LRMAN0989 Forerunner

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    Well, I'll have to agree with the others, this has been done before. Overall, it still works and it doesn't malfunction (or at least from what your pics say)

    P.S. You chose to help yourself?! ARGH!
  5. Tomo Stryker

    Tomo Stryker Forerunner

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    Not exactly sure how this is important in a real Slayer but its a cool novelty collection. I'll be downloading!

    -Tomo Stryker
  6. RageQuit

    RageQuit Forerunner

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    Cmon.. use your imagination..
    Pretend your getting chased by a whatever.. barracuda.. yeah a barracuda..
    Your legs get tired.. so you go to this vending machine which gives out free vehicles.. :O
    lol but seriously this is just for boring times when your tired of Forging,matchmaking,or customs.. then you head here.. THEN you head for MW2.
    The switch is something I have seen before but I just cant remember where..
  7. Digital Seven

    Digital Seven Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    If your gonna post this please give Ching Chong Kid credit. We enjoy people posting our switches but give some cred man.
  8. ShortySniper27

    ShortySniper27 Forerunner

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    i want one of these on one of my maps im trying to make, you think you can show me how to do it?
  9. Evil xBLaDeZ

    Evil xBLaDeZ Forerunner

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    Sorry to Ching Chong Kid, yes he did actually build the top half of this, the RB switch and the barriers were made by me. I had permission to publish it on H3A, but i had forgot who to give credit to, But thank you all for correcting me i have added Ching Chong kid to the credit

    ASSASSINinWH1TE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Who cares if someone made this first, this is totally awesome lol, props on a mad cool vending machine! As long as you gave props to Ching Chong Kid I'm sure it will be cool.
  11. AiR StriKee

    AiR StriKee Forerunner

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    this is better than ching chong's though. it looks better and i like how you have to flip a ghost. good job!
  12. smackdown6789

    smackdown6789 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It doesnt let me download? =/
  13. Evil xBLaDeZ

    Evil xBLaDeZ Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    This has now been fixed, Thanks for the feedback
  14. Ching Chong Kid

    Ching Chong Kid Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Awesome man. I always love a good flip switch. One question I have is how much do the fusion coils damage the vehicles (if they do)?
  15. RittSea

    RittSea Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You mentioned in your post that you could help either you or your team with a hog or a chopper (keyword is or, if you didn't notice the bold, italics, and underlining :O). However, I can immediately tell that you can easily activate both switches and get both vehicles. I suggest that you fix the inner workings or something so that you can only get one vehicle, and then the switch becomes useless.
  16. Alligator88

    Alligator88 Forerunner

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    I am working on a switch sort of like this one,where you can either help yourself or help your team.The reason I mention this is because I am making it to where if you chose one,then the other can't be used.Once I perfect the system I'm using,I'll send it to you so you can use it for your switch.
  17. RittSea

    RittSea Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I suggest just using the current inner workings of this switch, but just changing the placement of the fusion coil so that when it explodes, the other ghost explodes or is moved and it can't be used.
  18. Alligator88

    Alligator88 Forerunner

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    I just now thought of a really simple design that only takes up three objects and is compatible with the vehicle vender.Expect it to be up shortly with the vehicle vender as one of the examples.
    Does anyone know how to make move-able objects float,as it's kind of import to the design of the switch.PM me if you know.
    #18 Alligator88, Jul 18, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2010
  19. RittSea

    RittSea Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The only way I can think of to make move-able objects float is to use teleporters or weapon holders on the outside to prevent it from moving. Go to the forgehub's youtube page and watch a tutorial video.
  20. Alligator88

    Alligator88 Forerunner

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    Thanks,that helped a lot.I will try to finish the switch tomorrow so that people can use it in switches like this one,making choice important.

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