I have been trying to make a vehicle triangle for some time. I need one flying vehicle and the other two ground ones. I can't make it seem to work. The other thing is tank beats everything and I need the wraith for something else. Small diagram Tank* * * * + anti-air * * * * + air * * * * +Tank + means get beats by. Any other vehicle triangle ideas?
Lol @ tank beats everything. It really depends on the layout of your map. A description would help, but a basic introduction to vehicles is... Warthogs (Not Gauss) and mongooses are the main vehicles. They won't be a good counter to anything in particular, they're just better than hoofing it. Then there's ghosts and choppers. The chopper is basically an upgraded ghost. These are good for splattering, and have an offensive focus, but are terrible when there's no room to maneuver. The chopper can also boost-smash vehicles. The tanks, wraiths and scorpions, are powerhouses. If you're including these, you NEED to have anti-vehicle weapons available. However, they are very slow, so a fast vehicle can outmaneuver them. The Gauss warthog is an upgraded warthog. It fires slower, but each shot can one-shot-kill everything short of a tank. Its excellent against aircraft too. The prowler is an oddity. Its sort of the Brute equivalent to a warthog, but has a weaker turret. However, it has one extra seat, and the passengers have a greater range of motion than in the warthog. Most players don't think of the prowler as a good offensive vehicle, but it does have its place, as well as being good for transport. Aircraft, hornets and banshees, are highly maneuverable, and pack a punch. A good counter to them are Gauss warthogs.
the map layout idea is like a open city. sort of encolsed with some large open areas. A gause warthog beats a banshee. what loses a banshee but beats a gause? that is the magic vehicle that I can't find.mg:
A chopper. They can boost ram the Gauss, or just shoot it. Of course, if the Gauss guy seems them, they might die, but its either a chopper or a fully-loaded prowler.
chopper loses to a banshee? when I play online I beat banshee's with choppers about 75% of the time. only when they get lucky and hit me with a bomb or corner me I die. There is going to be 500%-300% damage resistance and no shield regeneration so I plan on long fights. that may change it.
i would say the wraith. it easily beats the wharthog, but the wraith will have a hard time shooting the banshee. if the banshee swoops in or stays far away, it can usually just rain down banshee bombs on the wraith and the wraith will have a very hard time shootin it. the chooper is just to slow and not manuverable enough against a wharthog. sure the banshee can beat it but it can't beat a gauss wharthog.