Vehicle Cops and Robbers

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Maxzy, Oct 18, 2008.

  1. Maxzy

    Maxzy Ancient
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    Liberty City (Cops and Robbers)

    Vehicle Cops and Robbers
    Created by Maxzy555

    Supported Gametypes:
    Vehicle C & R

    4-16 players (8 players is what I prefer)

    Map Description
    As the title suggests, this is a vehicle themed cops and robbers map. There is a police station, jail, bar, store, houses, black market and many hiding spots scattered around town.

    Players are free to roam the town until they brake a law and are arrested and put in jail by a cop.

    Breakable offences include:
    -vehicular manslaughter
    -killing a civilian
    -hurting, shooting, hijacking, killing a cop
    -(the game becomes more fun sometimes if you make up your own laws)

    Once somebody breaks a law a cop is free to pursue the individual and send them to jail.

    The way I look at it is a wanted star level similar to Grand Theft Auto

    1 star - everybody starts at 1 star
    -warning, being puled over, being questioned

    2 star - speeding, hitting a cop, stealing
    -being tased, arrested, shot at, put in jail

    3 star - killing a cop, repeated escape attemps, end of round

    +1 for killing a cop
    +1 for last man standing
    -1 for killing a robber (in order to discourage this)
    -1 for betrayl (betrayl is turned off but it is possible)

    25% players are cops
    forced color of black
    start with plasma pistol (good for tasing people and vehicles)
    2000% damage resistance
    150% damage

    75% of players are robbers (or considered civilians until they brake the law)
    no forced color
    start with magnum
    110% damage resistance
    100% damage

    If for any reason a player does not play fair (repeated killing of robbers for no reason) I give them the banhammer.


    Robbers spawn (central avenue)

    Cops spawn (police station armoury)

    Teleporter out of police station

    Police station

    Police station vehicle garage (police cars)

    Teleporter to Jail (fusion coils spawn every 20 seconds in order to trap convics inside the jail unless opened from the outside)

    Police office (can be used as a court room)

    Outside of jail

    Inside of jail (soccer ball is to keep convicts occupied)

    Main street (exit of police station garage) (containers are houses) (active camo can not be reached only there for scenery)

    New "suicide point" a fun way for cops to kill robebrs

    Bar and restaraunt (inside blue base)

    Car dealership (inside blue base) (contains two warthogs)

    Convienence store (inside red base)

    Black Market

    Many hiding spots are scattered around the city

    (I will update some action pictures later)


    Thanks for reading this far (unless you skipped ahead :D) I hope many people download and have a fun time as 90% of people I have played with have loved it.

    Download C & R

    Download Liberty City
    Download Vehicle C & R
    #1 Maxzy, Oct 18, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2008
  2. Zimahlenn SD619

    Zimahlenn SD619 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It looks likes one of those Roleplaying levels but looks great! 5 stars!
  3. it looks fun ... i like how u got up in those litle rooms. 4/5 ... just a question how did u give it a rating thing?
  4. Da Pig

    Da Pig Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh I remember this! It was so much fun playing it. I think the map is awesome. This is the leetiest cops and robbers map ever, man! I'll rate this 5/5
  5. Maxzy

    Maxzy Ancient
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    Thanks for all the postive feedback.
  6. CommanderA17

    CommanderA17 Ancient
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    Woah, I never like any Cops and Robbers map, but this is great! The areas were robust and good looking (a first for any cops and robbers), the effort was noticable, and the gameplay was tolerable. At one point, we started playing as if we were average people on the streets or at the bar chillin' (that didn't stop the cops from owning everyone though) but it tured out to be fun and well put together. Cops and robbers has made its new home on Rats Nest! 4/5 Awesome job!
  7. Yyzyyz

    Yyzyyz Ancient
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    Gr8 Map

    I think this map is cool but I have downloaded a lot of forgehub maps (like slit pinball) and everyone I play with doesn't get the rules... otherwise gr8 map 5/5 :)

    CANADAs ARMY EH Ancient
    Senior Member

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    u should add a spickes like a trime mine like in cops they lay down spickes to stop them i like the map alot and like the outsiade with the barriers good gameplay i already dl so nice job and good map on rat's nest 4.8/5
  9. Maxzy

    Maxzy Ancient
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    Im not 100% what your saying but I think your saying spikes like a trip mine, there is'nt really a need for this as the cops start with a plasma pistol which can stop vehicles very easily. A good combo I have found is one cop driving and another in the passenger with a charged plasma pistol ready to shoot other vehicles.
  10. Mr brownstain83

    Mr brownstain83 Ancient
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    I love C & R maps. I have DL and it is really fun 4/5
    I think that the houses could have been better though
  11. Mr. Whitestain83

    Senior Member

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    i played this with a buddy of mine.
    i think its great.
    great forging very clean and actually functions the way its supposed to.
    only if people go along with it though.
  12. JessicaJones

    JessicaJones Ancient
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    Looks very good. Great idea too, and not on Foudry, for the second time! I like the jails too. Good black market, though, kind of not that great for infection type games. 4.5/5. I am downloading and trying. Looks awsome!
  13. Maxzy

    Maxzy Ancient
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    I wasn't trying to make houses, I just noticed the empty spaces there and put the containers and figured they could act like houses. Im open for any suggestions on how I could improve them.
  14. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    Wow! nice. Looks like tonnes of fun, if you don't have trouble memorizing the rules...
  15. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    I really like how you managed to get the teleporter into the inside high room. Basically this should be a very fun map to play on. I can see my friends loving the speen and the cops having cars too.

    5/5 for sure :)
  16. Maxzy

    Maxzy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ugh, I still need to upload those action pictures.
  17. Impulse of Murloc

    Senior Member

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    How did you get the teleporters in there?! I've been trying to do that for a while now. Great map, 5/5. I remember playing this on highground where when the cops questioned you, they would make you do those tests to see if you were drunk. I would always purposely walk all distorted like.
  18. Maxzy

    Maxzy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I geomerged the tely's into the rooms.
  19. Bdude4

    Bdude4 Ancient
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    So i DLed this and I loved it. The athetics are pleasing and the gameplay was fun. In the lobby I explained the rules to everyone and the only problem we had was that some people didnt have proximity voice on. We played it so if the cop wanted to pull you over you beeped. I love Cops and Robbers maps but havent found a good one in a while. This is a great twist on Rats Nest that worked out well. The only problems that bothered me were that you could shoot shoot into the police station over the top of the bridges from the department store and bar. One suggestion I have is to forge some crates or fusion coils over the cliff out far for some target practice or a shooting gallery to give the survivors something to shoot at with all those guns.
  20. Warfang

    Warfang Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is the greatest cops and robbers map to date. You've outdone yourself with this one; from the complicity of the jail to the detailed barrier placement. I also like your unique warn system.


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