
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by leegeorgeton, May 10, 2011.

  1. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Welcome to Vaulted


    Vaulted is a Gothic cathedral-type structure located on the top of the Pillar in Forge World. It has three main levels, the catacomb, the great hall and the rooftop. Each of these levels offers a different type of game play environment. The map is medium in size and offers varied sized spaces and sight lines.

    While the structure of Vaulted is completely symmetrical, the way the teams and weapons are situated is not. The Blue team has the high ground while the Red team starts off lower on the other side of the map. Several things have been implemented to ensure balanced game play, including weapon/objective placement and pathway layout.

    Vaulted supports all game types except for Invasion and Race. It is set up to support all eight team colors, but due to the map’s medium size, it plays best with two teams of four or around eight players in free for all games.

    The most distinctive aspect of Vaulted is the realistic Gothic arch roof, which really gives the map a cathedral-like feel. The roof hangs high over the great hall below where many game type objectives as well as a rocket launcher are located. Tall columns rise to meet the roof on both sides of the hall and there is even an apse-like area at one end.

    Initially, I had intended for Vaulted not to exceed a $5,000 budget and came close when most of the structure was finished, but in the end, after fleshing it out with some final touches, I exceeded that initial budget by around $800. The map plays silky smooth with a single player on a single screen and only has a few hiccups in split screen play.

    (2) Needler
    (2) Plasma Pistol
    (4) DMR
    (2) Sniper - one spare clip
    (1) Rocket Launcher - two rockets
    (1) Energy Sword
    (8) Frag Grenade
    (8) Plasma Grenade

    Below are the floor plans of Vaulted. Be sure to click the bar at the top of each plan to see the plan more clearly.






    This is a map overview from the Red Team's side.

    Red Team's flag is on the mezzanine level. Initial spawns for Red are on the mezzanine and the platform below.

    This is a map overview from the Blue Team's side. Blue Team's flag and initial spawn area are on the upper deck.

    These are some images of the Gothic arch from inside the great hall.


    There is a sniper perch on each side of the great hall looking down over the floor below and across the space to the other team's side.



    The Blue end of the great hall has an apse-like rounded space and outer path.

    The Catacomb is at the lowest level where the energy sword can be found. The sword is set to normal physics and wedged into a crack in the rocks.

    Also located in the catacomb is a teleporter that sends players to the ridge of the Gothic arch. This can be used for either a quick getaway or as a means to get the drop on an opponent not expecting to be pounced upon from the rooftop.

    This is a bit of a nexus on the Blue side. A player can choose to proceed the the Catacombs down low, the great hall or the Blue Team's base above.


    Entering the teleporter down in the Catacomb will send you to the top of the map on the ridge of the arched roof. Players will need to decide quickly what their next move is after arriving because the rooftop has a soft kill zone around it.

    Just a pretty picture

    Here's a walkthrough of Vaulted

    Download Vaulted
    #1 leegeorgeton, May 10, 2011
    Last edited: May 12, 2011
  2. J HaDlEy 616

    J HaDlEy 616 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, this is so asethetically pleasing aswell as a well laid out map. Love the sword in the stone bit lol. I think the levels work out really well and you obviously spent a lot of time and effort on this, keep up the good work!
  3. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    You beginning description presented the map amazing and definitely grabbed my attention. The church style arched ceiling looks great. I understand that there are three levels but the passages connecting them are a little confusing, but only because some of your pictures are corrupted. I really like what you did with the idea of the map. I probably would just have created it into a indoor map but you decided to utilize the outdoor view as well. Some things I would change or add would probably be that you need a weapons list. Also a description of your inspiration for the map would be interesting. But anyway, Amazing map. Ill DL

    PILGRIM Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Map looks great and seems that you have thought about your design as well which is always a good sign. I have been experimenting with the Gothic arch style architecture and i believe it does make some very beautiful maps.
  5. DeltaFoxtrot262

    DeltaFoxtrot262 Forerunner

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    Amazing detail on the cathedral structure. Great job making it not only aesthetic but playable as well with distinct sides for each team and different levels to add more to the game play and experience. The catacombs were also a nice touch as well as the ability to get on the roof of the structure. Great job DL and liked.
  6. AtlasIsShruggin

    AtlasIsShruggin Forerunner

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    This is a great looking map! I like the amount of floors and outside walkways. Combine that with a great layout and aesthetics You've got a keeper here Congrats!

  7. Forgefire

    Forgefire Forerunner

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    Beast map, long ranges great for Snipers. Love how it looks to.
  8. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I was hoping you'd make more maps and post them soon. You have a very unique and creative style of forging that I think I could learn a lot from. I love the roof of this map, it's unique and creative and very aesthetically pleasing. The layout is very neatly represented as well as forged. On the grassy part below, is that sword in the 'fixed' position? If so, you should probably take it off of fixed and place it to normal. That way other players can pick it up when they kill the sword bearer. Other than that, another good looking map.
  9. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the positive feedback and suggestions. I've added the weapons list. As far as my inspiration for the map is concerned, I just really like iconic architecture in both its simplicity and boldness. This map came about by mixing a floor plan Idea I had for a map with some practice files I made where I was trying to create accurate-looking Gothic arches.

    Eightball, I've just been busy doing other things besides forging lately. I needed a break. I've been impressed by your work as well. I've also been impressed by the amount you're able to put out and keep the quality up like you've done. The sword is already in the normal state. It's stuck in a crack I made between a few rocks.

    I'm going to get started forging on Cubeskew 2 in the next few days. I've come up with some pretty cool puzzle concepts over the past few months that I think will blow the first one out of the water.
  10. dawson4321

    dawson4321 Forerunner
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    this map is pretty sweet it is hard to make multi leveled maps this large and the great hall is badass! i need to post my maps haha
  11. Pikapi 360

    Pikapi 360 Forerunner

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    Among my favorite Halo: Reach custom maps of all time... a big statement. I have mad some personal tweaks, but I simply love this map!
  12. Noble T0M

    Noble T0M Forerunner

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    i was ready to download before i even got to the pictures
  13. Equin0x

    Equin0x Forerunner

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    My only concerns:

    --You might want to put a soft-kill barrier on the top of the roof if it isnt there already, as that might become a jet-pack camping spot.
    --Put a railing on the walkway, large where the needler is, without it you seem lazy and an unsuspecting player may fall off.
    --The lift going to the mezzanine catapults you up really high, this makes you vuilnerable for a few seconds, which could hurt gameplay.
    --I believe the back of struts look unpleasing and should be either attached to a wall or covered up for asthetic reasons IMO. (imo man, imo)

    Other than those few concerns, the map looks like owuld be amazing both gameplay-wise and asthetically, keep up the good work!
    #13 Equin0x, May 10, 2011
    Last edited: May 10, 2011
  14. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    Oh and I was also going to comment on the sword but thanks for explaining. I was actually just considering building a infection map and you would be inside of a large Gothic style church. I am definitely going to take to heart some of the architecture and structure you have created in this map. Oh yeah and I agree with Veiled Jester, a few struts and supports below the entire map would help, or at least the walkways.
    #14 SquidMan33, May 10, 2011
    Last edited: May 10, 2011
  15. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    How's the framerate on the map? And is that Sword on fixed physics?
  16. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    There is a soft kill zone on the upper roof to prevent camping up there.

    I made conscious decisions on where I would include and exclude railings. Leaving them out in certain locations is not an indication of laziness, but of thoughtfulness.

    Lifts on the whole, almost always catapult the players high and expose them to damage. That is the way the increased speed of movement from one place to another is balanced out. you get to move around the map quicker than usual, but it may cost you. I've been pretty happy with that balance on this map.

    The frame rate is great outside of splitscreen. In splitscreen, there is a frame rate drop when strafing left and right while looking from one end of the great hall to the other.

    The sword is set to normal physics. It's wedged into a crack in the rocks.

    Thanks for checking the map out. Hope these answers helped you guys out.
  17. RiseUpAndFight

    RiseUpAndFight Promethean

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    Do you plan on remaking this in Halo 4? If not, I'd be happy to.
  18. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I do plan on doing a remake of it, but no time soon and I was going to make quite a few changes. Feel free to remake it if you'd like. I'd like to see how it turns out.
  19. RiseUpAndFight

    RiseUpAndFight Promethean

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    That little project has sort of stalled out, but I just love that vaulted ceiling. I've decided to do something different for me (like actually publishing a map before I get bored with its concept), so I'm going to use that design concept in a 1v1 map. Thanks for the inspiration.
    #19 RiseUpAndFight, Mar 5, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2013

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